Takeaway Points:
Mobile Operator Stores that sell only on contract were pretty much running sales at 1 Z10 to 4/5 iPhone5.
When sold properly by a mobile operator store the Z10 outsold theiPhone, but not the S3.
In retailers, it can vary from the Z10 outselling the iPhone5 4 to 1, simply outselling the iPhone5, to trailing the iPhone5 2 to 1 and 3 to 8 in one location with shortages.
Volumes on a daily basis at one retailer was surprising, claiming top store(s) in the area sell between 60-100 per day, bodes very well for sell-through rates.
There is no shortage of supply nor buyers, especially when sold off contract. Retailers recognized this and hiked up off contract prices.
There is no indication of a slump in sales. US Analysts have provided a belly full of laughs to UK mobile store managers.