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macrumors 601
Original poster
My first photography project for class. A commentary on the human casual abuse of our natural resources. Hypocritical? Could be. :eek:

Link (Caution: graphic use of fake blood)

Sample thumbnail:


  • s10.jpg
    5.7 KB · Views: 247


macrumors 68040
Oct 19, 2004
Calgary, AB
you call that graphic? go find a dead bunny to tag & photograph, then we'll talk graphic!....ok sorry, I hang out with too many art students at times and I've become de-sensitised


macrumors 601
Original poster
I'm thinking in hindsight that using the blood was distracting from the emotional theme of man vs. nature, and would have been more effective if it had been more of a subtle/psychological effect rather than the in-your-face B-movie effect that I got.

Unfortunately, on the only day we could shoot, it was cold (35 degrees F) and very windy, so my model was getting very cold and towards the end my fingers were so numb I could hardly opperate the shutter. If I were to do it over, I would be more delicate with the application of the 'blood' on the tree instead of generously splashing it on.
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