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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 22, 2017
Hello there. Got a iMac 600 MHZ summer 2001 that I recently upgraded to a Inland 128 GB SSD with a IDE to SATA converter board. Also install 768 MB of RAM. I installed Mac OS 9.2.2 on it. Did see a little bit of a different speed wise. My issue is every time I boot into the system, it gives me a blinking floppy icon for a few seconds and then boots into OS 9. By a few seconds I mean 10 to 15 seconds. I also try to install Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger on it but it hangs during the boot process into the tiger CD. I have both systems installed on the old hard drive and they worked great. I'm not sure why it hangs on the CD and the floppy icon is shown for a while. Attached is a picture of the floppy icon I am talking about

Any ideas on what it could be?

Sorry if the picture is sideways could not figure out how to rotate it.




macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
Re: the question mark. Your iMac is looking for your old spinning hard drive. Since it doesn't find it, it throws up the question mark while scanning the bus for other bootable drives. When it finds the SSD it boots.

Inside whichever OS you boot to, open the Startup Disk preferences and select the SSD. That will eliminate the problem.

Not sure about your install problem.
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