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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 6, 2013
I'm sure this may have been addressed before but could only find it pertaining to the iPhone not Catalina, per se. So quite often I am bombarded with trashy emails. Where some of these things come from is beyond me. Anyway, I block these, get the little red hand (think that's what it is). Later that day or the next get the same emails again, with the little red hand that might as well be waiving a well known finger at you. I would have thought ( silly me ) that blocking them would not allow them to come back again. So am I doing something wrong or is this just the way it is with Apple Mail. Point is, what the use of blocking these if it doesn't do any good. Sometimes they come back in a faded form but still there. I right click on them so they won't open then delete it. Still come back. Any solution to this or do I just have to live with it? Hope this is the right place to post this.
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I block those types of spam mails directly at my ISP web page. I mark them as spam and usually after doing that several times they get dumped into spam mail which means they don't arrive with my normal mail. I definitely do not depend on Apple Mail to sort out spam. You can also try making some mail rules which can automatically remove those types of mail for you.
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I'm sure this may have been addressed before but could only find it pertaining to the iPhone not Catalina, per se. So quite often I am bombarded with trashy emails. Where some of these things come from is beyond me. Anyway, I block these, get the little red hand (think that's what it is). Later that day or the next get the same emails again, with the little red hand that might as well be waiving a well known finger at you. I would have thought ( silly me ) that blocking them would not allow them to come back again. So am I doing something wrong or is this just the way it is with Apple Mail. Point is, what the use of blocking these if it doesn't do any good. Sometimes they come back in a faded form but still there. I right click on them so they won't open then delete it. Still come back. Any solution to this or do I just have to live with it? Hope this is the right place to post this.
About a year or so ago I suddenly got bombarded with Junk mail. I set up rules to block ,but soon found out that the sender has an endless supply of addresses to send from. I no sooner block one than an almost identical one comes in from a slightly different address. The addresses are all long and convoluted. I try blocking the subject line, but it is enclosed in a text box of sorts. These are not, for the most part malware attempts, but annoying advertisements for CBD, Tumeric, Miracle Diet, Debt Relief etc. If I mark them "Junk" mail will relegate them to a junk folder, but I have been unable to block them from coming in completely. I could say delete junk mail upon arrival, but every now and then something gets marked junk that is not junk simply because of the subject line.
I have them marked on my ISP but to no avail. And have them blocked which sends them to the blocked rules section in preferences. So I just went ahead and marked to delete on arrival. See where that takes me. Hopefully it won't delete something important. Just get tired of sorting through 50-100 junk mails a day. And mostly the garbage I get is like what you mentioned webbga. Hope the delete works out OK & HOPEFULLY Apple will do something about this..Hate to say this but Apple has the most dull & pitiful mail.
Probably get some hate mail on that, LOL
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