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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 21, 2008
Hey guys

I have a situation where i need to prevent someone calling me from now on, however I would like to be able to see messages still encase of an emergency.

Is there a method to achieve this? As to my knowledge doesnt blocking a number block both calls and texts?
Thanks, but i was looking for something that just doesnt let them call, like straight to answer phone, so they think they are blocked rather than being ignored, yet allows messages to come through since they would be non the wiser
Not much you can do, anyway if they think they are blocked they probably won't bother texting either.
haha psycho ex girlfriend im afraid, i dont want her to think im blank ignoring her but id like to be able to see texts encase something bad happens!
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haha psycho ex girlfriend im afraid, i dont want her to think im blank ignoring her but id like to be able to see texts encase something bad happens!

If your phone keeps going to voicemail she'll know that anyway. You've over thinking, just set a custom ringtone of silence as suggested above.
I have often wanted to do the exact same thing and was baffled when I discovered you couldn't block calls and messages independent of each other o_O
Thanks, but i was looking for something that just doesnt let them call, like straight to answer phone, so they think they are blocked rather than being ignored, yet allows messages to come through since they would be non the wiser
Even if the blocks were separate, the way Apple does it is more of an ignore than a block since the caller would still hear ringing and simply would get sent to voicemail after some rings, you are just notified about the call, that's basically it.

You might want to look into blocking things from your carrier side as they often offer that type of ability (and with them I believe it works more like a block than an ignore).
when i tried ios blocking it sent calls directly to voice mail, my carrier also does the same thing (& they CHARGE for it, lol...)
Where do you download one?
You can easily create one through any possible sound processing software such as Adobe audition.

Or you can find a quite enough place, and record the ambient sound, which literally contains nothing. Then upload this record to your computer, and set it as a silent ringtone.

Either would work perfectly in their own way.
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