Since i started learning objective c one thing i never got the grasp of is blocks and now closures. I feel like after watching and reading the recent swift vids and guide provided by apple im starting to understand a little better, i just wanted to see if i have the write idea. From what ive been able to gather, it is just random chucnks of code that can be passed or return and used as parameters. And to allow for cleaner code when using them in a class file. I was confused because i asked why not just write whatever the method and its definition in the .h and .m files or just in the single file in swift. Can you essentially have a random file with a bunch of blocks and import that file to whatever class and use a specific block ?. Thats kind of the idea i have about blocks/closures wasnt exactly sure of the use case of them, seeing as they are written similar to functions, writting them and the shorthand syntax that now exist in swift isnt as confusing but the use case and purpose had me for a loop. Thanks mr family.