Personally I loathe the Wordpress app. There are many things that make no sense to me. The overall experience is better in the latest 2.6 release, but it still makes me want more out of it.
HTML editing is the big one... why do they insist on forcing us to continue editing in HTML mode? - There's no logical reason for it. The application should be able to interpret when I create a link and make it text. I don't want to sift through tags when writing a post. I don't want to have to code to mobile blog. It's two steps backwards in my opinion. To me it's a big inconvenience, hard coding your blog posts is not a speedy process on a software keyboard, or on a mobile device period.
I don't see why they cannot have a WYSIWYG editor with an HTML tab just like the web interface. I know it can be done, other apps out there can do it.
Heck some of them even have a little bar that is collapsible above the keyboard, the bar consists of "link", bold, underline, italics, etc. Why the wordpress team cannot figure this stuff out is beyond me.
I also dislike how it handles images - I would rather resize images with numerical / pixel value instead of their stupid pinch to zoom / slide this bar - or pick two sizes.. they don't even define what the actual size will be once it's rendered and uploaded.. really? - Also, you can't insert your images into the post where you want.
I think the wordpress app has a long way to go. Look at how long it took them to come out with 2.6 - they are even admitting it's riddled with bugs on their own forum.. why release it if it's not stable? I don't get it.
The iPad version is just as bad. The horizontal interface is quite nice. I do enjoy the iPad version slightly more, but why can I not collapse the dang sidebar and edit in full screen!? The app does it in portrait mode, why not horizontal mode? So much screen is being wasted by that giant sidebar on the left hand side.