Doesn't seem normal for a LED screen.
At the apple store all of the new ones had the blotchy screen (similar to the old 24inch), the problem is that you can't really notice it unless it's on a white or grey screen. I don't think this is a defect.
LED backlit displays are pretty much "instant on". There is no "warm up" needed anymore.Hmmmmm, well its been running over 5 hours and has 'warmed up', alas it still looks the same.
Having a blotchy screen is not a defect because they are all like it? At this price point I think the screen (one of the main selling points) should be perfect. I have seen LCD screens that are not blotchy (my 24" isn't) The guy in the store said that if I have any issues to take it back. I'm now thinking that I may get a worse's QC seems to be a mine field.
It's odd how these things become less of an issue once the return/exchange period is up. Some people can't bear to go through that period without finding something that will justify (in their minds) a few returns... and they end up with exactly the same quality they had in the first place. And the day after the return period is up, they never even notice what was previously an issue for them.
Apple make lovely computers and operating systems, but their quality control does seem to be slipping. If you make aspirational products that are heralded like the second coming then they had better be perfect. Especially when you consider they cost so much more than the equivalent PC hardware (and especially now we can directly compare the cost of a mac to an equivalent PC spec). I would take it back. For the money a mac costs it should be spot on, and there is no reason for it not to be other than shoddy manufacturing. If you sell something with that much hype, you'd better be sure it can live up to it.
Im glad I found this thread I have the same exact problem as the op. My screen has that line on the bottom no matter what screen I have up. Hey op did you take it back to the apple store or find a workaround for the screen?
No i've not had time to get to the store yet but I will, this unit wont play quicktime HD or even its own screen saver smoothly after its been on 20 minutes (first unit did the same). So it seems to have a more serious problem than the blotchy screen. I've not noticed anyone else mention this judder in playback, but i'm at a loss as to how I can have had 2 duff GFX cards.
I took my 27" back to the apple store and they replaced it on the spot. I brought it home and just set it up and noticed there are a few actual engraved scratches on the screen! This is ridiculous! What the hell while I was typing this my screen just flashed? Apples quality control has gone to crap Im returning this tomorrow but the problem is I live an hour and half from the apple store! ARGH! Sorry im venting. Does anyone know if apple will give you some sort of compensation for having to drive back and fourth to get a working computer?
Probably not
I just "tested" mine with grey & white wallpapers. Luckily mine is perfect, for a second i thought mine had it. Had a few people look and made sure. I think i started to imagine mine had it. haha
Were you looking for scratches or the blotchiness? If your looking for the latte hide your dock and then open a white screen or any solid colored screen and expand it to the full screen. Look at the bottom about an inch up and see if its darker. Thanks!
I was looking for blotches, also didn't find any scratches thank god. haha
My dock is on the left anyways but i used a few different solid wallpapers. Between me and three friends we couldn't see any difference. So i guess i have a perfect screen. *knocks on wood & throws confetti*
Haha lucky guy well Im glad to hear that its at least an isolated issue.