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macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 27, 2013
United Kingdom
I am experiencing this random with my TV where everything goes blue every now and then. It’s like reds and blues invert on each other. People look like smurfs!

Unplugging is he HDMI cable seems to fix it temporarily.

Not sure if it’s the Apple TV or the TV.

Has anyone seen anything similar before?
If you haven’t already have you tried setting the video settings to 4KSDR?
Or even tried a different HDMI port on the TV?
I agree with @adamlbiscuit. I'm an amateur radio operator, and whenever I encounter sporadic behavior like that with my radios, or any other electronic equipment, the first thing I do is check the cables. Nine times out of ten it is either a bad cable that needs to be replaced, or two or more cables interfering with one another. It is easy and inexpensive to get a new HDMI cable to replace the suspect one. If the issue persists, try wrapping a bit of aluminum foil around any cable that is close to another cable. Sometimes cables are not properly shielded and can interfere with other poorly shielded cables. There are a lot of RFI signals bouncing around the rats nest of cables in a home theater setup!

The other possibility that readily comes to mind is a bad port. Ports can start to have issues after a lot of use, especially if their internal connections start to come undone. So try a different HDMI port on the TV. Unfortunately the ATV has only one HDMI port, so hopefully it is okay.
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