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macrumors regular
Original poster
Mar 1, 2008
what advantage to rip your own blue ray disc for the new apple TV if you already own a blue ray player?

Won't you lose quality if you do?
Honestly you won't notice a huge drop in quality. In some cases it won't look as crisp as a movie being watched directly from a Blu-ray Disc, but if you convert/compress it at a high enough bitrate there won't be any noticeable artefacts and is still a pleasure to watch - I've been able to rip and convert my Blu-rays into files that are around 4GB in size and they still look great.

The only advantage, as you asked, would be of convenience - people can just switch on the Apple TV from their seat and stream the film from their computer. With putting the Blu-ray on it involves having to get up from your seat, putting in the disc, waiting for it to load, and then navigating the menus... and we both know how lazy people these days are ;)
what advantage to rip your own blue ray disc for the new apple TV if you already own a blue ray player?

Won't you lose quality if you do?

Definately will lose quality, how noticable it will be depends on the user. If you think itunes 720p looks good then you'll be happy. If you expect Bluray quality you'll be dissapointed. It takes a long time to convert HD material and it's generally a pia so your better off popping a BD in your standalone player and enjoy the best possible quality.
You also have to keep the disk stored in a convenient location, keep it clean and scratch free, whereas once it is ripped you can stuff it in the attic.

There is also no need to watch this for 30 seconds every time you want to watch it.


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what advantage to rip your own blue ray disc for the new apple TV if you already own a blue ray player?

One advantage is that you boost your adrenaline levels and live life dangerously as ripping a movie into your computer IS technically against the law (circumventing the copy protection of the disk). :rolleyes:

Stupid? Sure, if you already own the item, but the law nonetheless.
Honestly you won't notice a huge drop in quality. In some cases it won't look as crisp as a movie being watched directly from a Blu-ray Disc, but if you convert/compress it at a high enough bitrate there won't be any noticeable artefacts and is still a pleasure to watch - I've been able to rip and convert my Blu-rays into files that are around 4GB in size and they still look great.

The only advantage, as you asked, would be of convenience - people can just switch on the Apple TV from their seat and stream the film from their computer. With putting the Blu-ray on it involves having to get up from your seat, putting in the disc, waiting for it to load, and then navigating the menus... and we both know how lazy people these days are ;)

As Ivan P said, primary advantage is convenience. Convenience is primary in our household with three little kids and being constantly on the go. We watch our media collection on all sorts of iDevices so while there is some loss in quality, I can now play the movie on everything from an iPod Touch/iPhone, an iPad, an :apple:TV or on my Mac Mini hooked up to a large screen Plasma.
One advantage is that you boost your adrenaline levels and live life dangerously as ripping a movie into your computer IS technically against the law (circumventing the copy protection of the disk). :rolleyes:

Stupid? Sure, if you already own the item, but the law nonetheless.

To my knowledge, no court has ever decided that ripping your own disks for your own use is against the law. Some say it is against the law because of DMCA and some say it is not against the law because of Fair Use laws. So far, it has not being tested in court as far as I know. One reason could be that the movie studios fear that Fair Use will in fact win over DMCA. Another reason could be that they know that even by some chance they could win, going after people who actually pay for their content makes no sense for them financially at all and would be an absolute PR nightmare.

In my opinion, with the recent ruling in the U.S. specifically saying it is perfectly legal to circumvent the copy protection for certain reasons it seems more and more likely that Fair Use would win if a real legal challenge ever happened. I'm no lawyer though so take my opinion with a grain of salt.

With that being said, I think ripping discs and putting them on the internet so that anyone in the world can download and watch without paying is definitely against the law and morally wrong as well. But of course, you can take my opinion with a grain of salt on that too.
My hat goes off to the people who rip DVDs/Blu-Rays and put them online. I don't have the time or hardware to do my own BR rips, and often the content I "bought a license" to access is inaccessible because studios cheaped out and chose to stamp crappy and ridiculously destructible DVDs, instead of the scratchproof ones we were promised over a decade ago.

Rip your discs whilst you still can, the studios sure as hell aren't going to replace your damaged media and certainly extend no benefits, support or otherwise, to the consumer for "licensing" the use of their movies. No, all we get are restrictions and oppression. And copy protection that assumes everyone guilty, coupled with offensive messages calling us all thieves.
One advantage is that you boost your adrenaline levels and live life dangerously as ripping a movie into your computer IS technically against the law (circumventing the copy protection of the disk). :rolleyes:

Stupid? Sure, if you already own the item, but the law nonetheless.

Ripping is actually legal now in certain circumstances (though not to create personal copies yet).
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