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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 1, 2009
Phoenix, AZ
ok, so i know its on the front page of the rumormill, but do you all think this is legit? bound for the newest itunes which might be still on 10.5.7 maybe?

that would be so great, now all we'd need is an external blue ray player, and hopefully RipIt would come out with a blue ray ripper,

I'm giddy! no more boot camp!!!

sorry, totally jumping the gun, just had to see what other people were thinking so i though i'd start it off
I doubt there will be blu-ray support. i wish too, but i doubt it. not till they start offering drives. Do they make slot loading blu-ray drives?

yes they do, although they are priced kind of high right now, i think around $299 for one on newegg by Sony, apparently available on ebay for around $139

doesn't mean that a company like LG isn't working on a cheap mass-produced version of them for Apple though

hmm, good point

we'll see i guess
blue ray needs some high end hardwares, i am not sure if apple tv is capable of doing it.

But i hope its true, better later than never, blue-ray is the future, and mac should support it, one way, or another.
ok, so i know its on the front page of the rumormill, but do you all think this is legit? bound for the newest itunes which might be still on 10.5.7 maybe?

that would be so great, now all we'd need is an external blue ray player, and hopefully RipIt would come out with a blue ray ripper,

I'm giddy! no more boot camp!!!

sorry, totally jumping the gun, just had to see what other people were thinking so i though i'd start it off

Not happening. Did you even read that image? The "Blu-ray" refers only to the new Gracenote library licensing. It has NOTHING to do with iTunes.

iTunes COMPETES with Blu-ray. It will NOT happen until Super Hi-Vision.
iTunes COMPETES with Blu-ray. It will NOT happen until Super Hi-Vision.

With that logic, iTunes competes with every type of media. Macs will eventually support Blu-ray, it's more of a question of when, not if.

Super Hi-Vision is so far from mainstream right now that it's not on any consumer's horizon.
Honestly, I have no idea why Apple would have extended iTunes Gracenote capabilites to Bluray... it doesn't use it for DVD. I'm guessing it was simply a licensing update from Gracenote that required Apple to change the licensing terms shown in iTunes.
Read my post here. 9to5 points out that DVD wasn't in the description in the previous version either. I wouldn't get excited.

edit ** NightStorm beat me to it **
I totally disagree

Blue-ray along with all other physical media have maybe 3-5 years left, digital downloads is the future, that's the logical next step. When everything is available for download then who cares about physical media.
Not happening. Did you even read that image? The "Blu-ray" refers only to the new Gracenote library licensing. It has NOTHING to do with iTunes.

iTunes COMPETES with Blu-ray. It will NOT happen until Super Hi-Vision.

your always so sure of yourself,yet always so wrong...
Blue-ray along with all other physical media have maybe 3-5 years left, digital downloads is the future, that's the logical next step. When everything is available for download then who cares about physical media.
That leaves a gap for MAC users for the next 3-5 years... :eek:
Not happening. Did you even read that image? The "Blu-ray" refers only to the new Gracenote library licensing. It has NOTHING to do with iTunes.

iTunes COMPETES with Blu-ray. It will NOT happen until Super Hi-Vision.

I was waiting for you to show up :) Thanks for the clarification on the Gracenote library licensing, I was unaware of what that referred to.

I'm not that worried about it, I have a PS3, I just want easier BR ripping on my Mac Pro, and RipIt has mentioned a possible foray into a Blue Ray ripping version of their program and I could put a physical BR drive in my Pro

ah well, who knows what the future brings?
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