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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 21, 2015
Hi all,

I hope this is the correct area to be asking this question, if not I'll post it elsewhere.

I currently have two MPOW 5 Bluetooth Headsets that I would like to use simultaneously whilst on a video call.

Through the Audio MIDI Setup I have the outputs set to a Multi-Output Device (I creatively named 'Headset Output') and the inputs set to an Aggregate Device (you guessed it, 'Headset Input'). Now when I check the sound through System Preferences, it would appear that the computer picks up the separate inputs and I can hear the outputs with no issues when selecting the devices I've created. However, the second I try to use them on any kind of video chat app, be it FaceTime, Zoom or Skype, it never works. I can only get one headset to work and if I'm lucky, the sound will be relatively clear. Most of the time it just sounds horrible.

I'm not entirely sure where to go from here. I tried putting both inputs and outputs on the same aggregate device, I've ticked and unticked the 'Drift Connection' box, I've changed the sample rates and attempted to use the microphone on the computer as an input and keeping the headsets as the output but I still get the same results.

This seems like something that should be doable, but apparently not. If anyone has any idea, I'd be grateful!

The OS is 10.13.6 if that helps.

Thank you,
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