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Antoine Nedelec

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 25, 2017

I have a little problem that is becoming more and more annoying through time. For work, I have to switch between both my macOS and Windows bootcamp partition several times a day.

The problem is: my bluetooth mouse is only recognised on the last partition i paired it. So if i paired it last time on macOS, it will not be recognised on Windows, but it will be if I come back on macOS.

Though, when i switch, even if it's not recognised, there is a known mouse in the bluetooth devices. If I try to pair it again, there is a new available device with the exact same name.

Mac: Last macbook pro 2016.
macOS: Last Sierra update.
Windows: Windows 10 up to date.
Mouse: Microsoft designer mouse

I had one hint, that was to un-pair it on my macOS, then pair it on windows, then come back on macOS and it would work. Tried it but still down..

If you have any idea to fix this problem, that would be really nice, as it is becoming really annoying to pair my mouse 10 times a day ^^.

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Jun 15, 2017
Rockville, MD
Get a second mouse?

I've had same issue between laptop and desktop PC running same Windows OS. Tried different Bluetooth mice, couldn't find a solution. So I bought a wired mouse for desktop PC.

Wired mouse might be your easiest solution.

There a couple of mice on the market now, that can be paired with 2 computers. So that might be your other solution if you want to stay wireless.
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Antoine Nedelec

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 25, 2017
You understood that I use 1 laptop with 2 partitions ? Why would I have 2 mouses for only one computer ;)

Well i am still searching but there is not much solutions i guess..
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