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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 19, 2006

Still doesn't quite feel done, but it's a start. Any comments/suggestions?

EDIT: Ooops, I wasn't thinking and deleted the image from my Photobucket account. Scroll down this page a bit to see a slightly modified version of what was here.
The previous two comments are funny. I do think, however, that the artwork is quite good. I like the contrasting colours and I especially like the debris bursting from the explosion. Well done!
Maxiseller said:
I just want a little man in the Right Hand corner going "Oh S***!!!"

Plus, the explosion looks like testicles at the bottom!

I was just to say that! What an explosion!:D
michaelrjohnson said:
My thoughts exactly.

Given the illustrative style, I would expect to see crisp, clean edges... The fuzziness kinda bothers me.

My take is a bit different. The blury edges seem to put the viewer in the action––it creates a motion effect, as though the viewer is being pushed backward by the force of the explosion.
bbergie said:
My take is a bit different. The blury edges seem to put the viewer in the action––it creates a motion effect, as though the viewer is being pushed backward by the force of the explosion.
Well yes, I gathered that was the intention, but there should be an area of focus to give us an origin of the blast. The only feature that's not blurred is the word "BOOM" which doesn't really exist in the same space as the blast itself.

And yeah, that is a really phallic explosion! :D
michaelrjohnson said:
My thoughts exactly.

Given the illustrative style, I would expect to see crisp, clean edges... The fuzziness kinda bothers me.

It actually gives me a bit of a headache looking at it - definitely should be crisp.
Thanks for the input. I did notice that the part at the bottom of the mushroom cloud looks a little like balls. Mybe I'll change it, but then again, maybe I won't bother.

As for the debris, it's actually supposed to be stars. I'm definitely planning on taking down the blur a little. Thanks again for the input.
dopey220 said:
Thanks for the input. I did notice that the part at the bottom of the mushroom cloud looks a little like balls. Mybe I'll change it, but then again, maybe I won't bother.

As for the debris, it's actually supposed to be stars. I'm definitely planning on taking down the blur a little. Thanks again for the input.

I think a compromise could be on the blur. I understand wanting the feeling of motion so I wouldn't totally eliminate it. Maybe be more selective, using it on parts of the image while the overall tone is sharp.

Other than that, the colors and illustrative quality is quite nice.
I'd also make the background (sky) more of a deep blue, and maybe have a few less stars...
Ok, I backed off on the blur a bit and changed the skyline to look a bit more "mountainous." Still, keep the suggestions coming.

dopey220 said:
Ok, I backed off on the blur a bit and changed the skyline to look a bit more "mountainous." Still, keep the suggestions coming.


bahh, all I can see is balls! sorry, it's been a looong week.

aside from the testicles I like it
Duely noted. I'm tired. I'll do more with it tomorrow.

Thanks again for the suggestions!
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