same thing happened to me...sorta. When I set Boot Camp to give me a 10GB partition and rebooted the only partition that was ever visible again was the Windows Partition. What was odd, though, is that Windows Setup was reading that it had 124GB free to format as NTFS, which was confusing since I have a 250GB HDD, 95GB which was free before Boot Camp and 85GB free to OS X and 10GB free to Windows after Boot Camp afterwards.
After heeding the warnings on many, I double and triple checked to be sure that I had the partitions all set correctly. I rebooted and helt the option button down to allow me to select a partition to boot into, only Windows was available. The scandal! I also hopelessly checked disk utility on my OS X DVD to see what it said and it said there was no partition at all.
And after I went through all that work slipstreaming my copy of Windows XP to include SP2...
Instead of spending all night trying to simply fix what happened, I figured it as Beta Testing software + Windows and reformatted and put my system back in order, Boot Camp free. It only took about 90 minutes to get it back to the way it was before I started with this Boot Camp business.