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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 8, 2008
I had a 100GB partition setup on my 3,1 Mac Pro.

I recently wiped it so I can do a fresh partition and install Windows 7.

I repaired and verified my disk permissions with Disk Utility.

When I use Boot Camp to create a new partition I get the follow error;


What can I do to correct this issue?

Do I have to do a fresh install of OS X and start all over?
You could try defragging your hard drive. I haven't done this myself, but there is an app you can buy to do this.
defragging is the only thing i know of to fix this. i had the same problem, but i didnt want to spend the money on a defragging program, and i didnt want to erase my whole second hard drive, so i went into disk utility and partitioned a part from my second harddrive in FAT format, and then booted from a windows install disk. the disk reformatted it into NTFS but it had an error installing so i took out my main harddrive, booted from windows disk, installed fine, put back in the main drive and now everything works great!

if you only have one harddrive, you need a defragging program, or you could try making a smaller windows partition.
lets hope that defragging can fix this!

the problem occurs because the bootcamp assistant cannot move some blocks of large data appropriately so that it maintains its integrity.

if you dont wish to pay for any defrag files, a time machine backup, reinstall and restore will defrag the files accordingly - a long work around, but probably the easiest.
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