Been looking at getting an iMac and one area where I'm struggling to find equivalents is in playing/reading/decrypting DVDs, especially when multi region is involved. It seems fairly random whether or not you can flash the DVD drive, or whether applications like region X will work. (If it makes any difference, I'd have a 2009 20in iMac, possibly too early for anyone to say what would or wouldn't work re the DVD drive?)
I see apps such as Handbrake and Mac the Ripper referred to but they dont seem as good a solution according even to Mac fans, as (for example) DVDecrypter for ripping. Should I be looking to run these either in a Windows VM under OSX, or Windows directly on the MAC? I do have a genuine Windows (XP) licence, so that would be an alternative. Its not something I do a lot but I don't want to find its not at all possible. If I boot Windows 'natively' on an iMAC (Is that 'Boot Camp' ?) should all the apps I mentioned and others that enable multi-region such as DVD43, work just as well on Windows on iMac as on any other PC?
I see apps such as Handbrake and Mac the Ripper referred to but they dont seem as good a solution according even to Mac fans, as (for example) DVDecrypter for ripping. Should I be looking to run these either in a Windows VM under OSX, or Windows directly on the MAC? I do have a genuine Windows (XP) licence, so that would be an alternative. Its not something I do a lot but I don't want to find its not at all possible. If I boot Windows 'natively' on an iMAC (Is that 'Boot Camp' ?) should all the apps I mentioned and others that enable multi-region such as DVD43, work just as well on Windows on iMac as on any other PC?