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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jul 15, 2006

Im now to macs, sort of. i just got my g3 b&w about 3 or 4 weeks ago!
I love it but i want to do a clean OS install. ive got os 9.2, 10.1, and 10.2 that came with the mac. but thats all it came with. it had a standard 6 GB HDD and 256 MB Ram. I have upgraded it to 706 MB Ram and added a 4 GB HDD and a 40 GB HDD. so im now running 3 HDDs.

it didnt come with a keyboard or a mouse. the previous owner said i could use any usb keyboard and mouse.

so ive got it up and running fine with os x 10.2.8 im using an AOpen usb optical mouse, and a compaq keyboard that came with one of my older computers. (its one of those internet keyboards)

I put the 10.2 install cd in the cd drive and boot up. and immediately it boots the OS. i googled it and found that i need to hold down the "C" key in order to boot from the CD. so i did and still it boots from the HDD!!!

I want to upgrade to 10.4 but if i cant boot from the CD i would hate to waist all that money!

I think the problem is the keyboard im using, im thinking the OS recognizes it but the firmware doesnt.

can some one please help me?

Are you holding down the C key from the very start? Another option is to insert the install CD while in OS X and run the installer from the disc. It should reboot and begin the install process.
yep, im holding it down, then hit the restart button...

i have tried to run the installer from the cd but i cant find what to open lol.
it comes up in a finder window and it has a buch of folders with different languages, a PDF file that says read me and a folder that says install OS X so i open the install os x one and i get the rainbow pinwheel thing.

it seems to try and open but its not opening!

ok my finder puped up and said...
there is no dephaul application for opening "install mac os X"
Hold down the option key (also labeled as alt) when turning the computer on and see if it shows your install cd as a bootable volume.
You really aught to try and find an Apple keyboard, or a keyboard made specifically for Macs, since Mac keyborads have slightly different keys (such as Command)...

You're in luck, since the G3 Blue & White was the last Mac with ADB (the round beige port that sortof looks like PS2 but with different pins), and also one of the first with USB, you can use any Apple keyboard made since 1987.

ADB keyboards often sell for around $2 on eBay.
When I got my Tiger disc, I could NOT get it to boot my iBook. I tried the keyboard-based methods repeatedly with no luck.

If the other methods don't work, I've found that the most surefire way to guarantee boot off an optical disc is to put it in the drive while the computer is running, go to system preferences -> startup disk, select the disc from the top of the preference pane, and then click the restart button in the prefs pane.

I haven't used Jaguar, but I'm assuming this works in Jag -- I've only done it in Panther and Tiger.
mkrishnan, thank you a lot!!!

that works great!!!

I would realy like to get a mac keyboard, but it would almost have to be a USB one. because the way my computer is sitting, there is no room for me to move the keyboard anywhere. so im using a usb hub, and have moved it out a lot further. ill look ebay though. im debating on whether to wait for 10.4 or not. I plan to get a new mac sometime. prolly around christmas. I really want a macbook but i might have to settle on the mini.

the forum is great. i found it when i googled over-clocking the B&W!

i will be back!
mkrishnan said:
When I got my Tiger disc, I could NOT get it to boot my iBook. I tried the keyboard-based methods repeatedly with no luck.

If the other methods don't work, I've found that the most surefire way to guarantee boot off an optical disc is to put it in the drive while the computer is running, go to system preferences -> startup disk, select the disc from the top of the preference pane, and then click the restart button in the prefs pane.

I haven't used Jaguar, but I'm assuming this works in Jag -- I've only done it in Panther and Tiger.

If that fails, boot into os9 and then use IT'S startup disk contol panel.
Me1000 said:
mkrishnan, thank you a lot!!!

that works great!!!

I would realy like to get a mac keyboard, but it would almost have to be a USB one. because the way my computer is sitting, there is no room for me to move the keyboard anywhere. so im using a usb hub, and have moved it out a lot further. ill look ebay though. im debating on whether to wait for 10.4 or not. I plan to get a new mac sometime. prolly around christmas. I really want a macbook but i might have to settle on the mini.

the forum is great. i found it when i googled over-clocking the B&W!

i will be back!

Well whichever works for you, either way a Mac Keybaord is almost essential especially in the classic OS.

BTW, the Apple Design Keyboard (ADB) has a very long cable, much longer than the ones on the USB keyboards.
Cool! like i said i want a mac keyboard...
again id like to wait a bit because i may get a macbook and if i do there is no need for a keyboard lol, or a copy of tiger. but you know by the time i get it leopard may be out alread ;)

i have one more question concerning network boots.
the computer im on doesnt have a dvd drive in it.

I downloaded windows vista (beta 2) its just tiger made to look like Winders. and vista required a dvd drive, but i didnt want to put vista on my good computer. so i got an older computer out that had linux on it. i installed windows XP on it but never activated it, then i shared my dvd drive on my good PC (also running XP) then i put the dvd in the good PC and ran it from the other computer. (over the LAN) it installed fine.

I was wondering if the same idea could be used for tiger. i know there is a CD version but if i dont have to spend the extra $20 i wont.

hope you follow me through all this.

lol no i just got the hub this time last week, after i tried the install...
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