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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 9, 2008
Hi everyone and thanks for the help in advance

I jailbroke my phone about 2 weeks ago and have had no issues whatsoever until recent. I started using appshare (no idea if this is the problem) and started getting a weird boot. I have to boot my phone twice because the first time it sends me into an emergency screen in a foreign language. The second boot is fine and tells me the phone has been activated. any ideas on how to fix this?
Hi everyone and thanks for the help in advance

I jailbroke my phone about 2 weeks ago and have had no issues whatsoever until recent. I started using appshare (no idea if this is the problem) and started getting a weird boot. I have to boot my phone twice because the first time it sends me into an emergency screen in a foreign language. The second boot is fine and tells me the phone has been activated. any ideas on how to fix this?

App Share is not the cause of your problems. App Share lets you share or download pirated apps to your iPhone. However, you don't know where the content is from so you might end up with just bogus programs designed to screw your phone or worse.

Protip: Uninstall App Share, run the delete an reset everything from the Settings and finally Restore your phone using iTunes to the stage it was before your installed AppShare. Also, don't download apps illegally.
if i restore everything, is there a way to back up all my cydia apps, or do i have to rejailbreak my phone and do the whole process over?
darn, how serious can this be, like it cant brick the phone can it? if i choose to leave it the way it is
sorry for the double post, i removed the most recent app share downloads and the problem is gone i also removed app share. Do you think i am ok now?
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