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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 1, 2017
CCC produced a message suggesting they no longer provide bootable clones as of 10.15.6 ... which I know just came out. Is it REALLY over..?

I found a video which alleged that:

Sync Folder Pro+
which it appears uses Rsync as the 'engine' but has an advanced wrapper which manages the permissions and read-only status of the retarded crap Apple has done with APFS ... abstracting the physical drive to the OS or something.

Pissing and Moaning re: APFS + Soldered SSDs
Nothing below here has anything to do with the meat of the question.

Granted, I understand this is "all in the interest of providing me all that security that my nuclear enrichment program needs ... but, for a guy who's mac doesn't really leave the apartment -- I'd really prefer to have something that ran off an HFS+ formatted drive.

And ... as someone who does Data Recovery, I do NOT look forward to dealing with Retinas with integrated drives, possibly encrypted, with abstraction layers in which (see the picture of my Two SSDs) ...

Diskutil thinks I have TWO ... physical drives... one of which is named correctly but is in a "physical drive" that doesn't exist ... is a partition that corresponds to my used capacity ... the actual /dev/drive0 that's correct is ... incorrect..? (at least named) but is the only place the capacity is right..??

All this geniuses is to do me one giant favor that I just cannot thank them for enough!

Except, there's very little in the way of physical hardware recovery (unless it needs SMT rework).
But here .... on a drive that's not physically removable (which certainly could be) ... they've implemented something that my colleagues certainly do not celebrate the introduction of...?

And now -- to make things even mo' bettah .... they've undermined one of THE BEST backup schemes that has ever existed !? After destroying Disk Utility ... neutering THAT ... which used to be able to clone drives whether they were DMG or drive to drive ... and now often fails if you try to unmount volumes ... or make more than one partition at a time..? LOVE it.


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CCC produced a message suggesting they no longer provide bootable clones as of 10.15.6 ... which I know just came out. Is it REALLY over..?
Can you post a link to the message you reference.

Diskutil thinks I have TWO ... physical drives... one of which is named correctly but is in a "physical drive" that doesn't exist ... is a partition that corresponds to my used capacity ... the actual /dev/drive0 that's correct is ... incorrect..? (at least named) but is the only place the capacity is right..??
From the picture you posted of Disk Utility output, everything looks normal. If you are referring to Macintosh HD - Data, Catalina now splits the partition into 2 Volumes, Macintosh HD (OS read-only) and Macintosh HD - Data (user read/write; hidden and mounted at /System/Volumes/Data).
CCC produced a message suggesting they no longer provide bootable clones as of 10.15.6 ... which I know just came out. Is it REALLY over..?

This is not true, you must have misread something. Producing bootable clones on 10.15.6 is actually more reliable (than on 10.15.5) because now CCC can use its own file copier for the entire process. 10.15.5 was a huge debacle, but finally that's over. Whatever you read was a comment about everything working correctly now, not the contrary.

Regarding the volumes you're seeing, you might find this reference helpful:

Working with APFS Volume Groups

Mike (the author of CCC)
This is not true, you must have misread something. Producing bootable clones on 10.15.6 is actually more reliable (than on 10.15.5) because now CCC can use its own file copier for the entire process. 10.15.5 was a huge debacle, but finally that's over. Whatever you read was a comment about everything working correctly now, not the contrary.

Regarding the volumes you're seeing, you might find this reference helpful:

Working with APFS Volume Groups

Mike (the author of CCC)

That's great news. You really cannot imagine how much I LOVE your Application. It's one of the main reasons I actually started dealing with macs, created a business, etc etc.

After Yosemite, the only good way to do bootable clones was with CCC ... and Sparse Images !?? ForGET about it! What a spectacular way to package an entire drive ... and be able to copy them at the speed of a single, large file ... without dealing with the IOPS limitations or permissions when you're simply moving them around for logistical reasons.

I will work on it further ... and see if I cant sort out the issue or -- show you the picture of the point that I'm concerned about. Perhaps Catalina (hadn't processed that I'd authorized CCC within the Security & Privacy

Dude! One of THE most powerful ways I've used CCC ... was dealing with PIECE OF **** Synology of QNAP boxes that don't tell you what all they've done, aren't always fun to setup the security of RSync ... and drag and drop !?? OMG. It would stop working with one of those typical error messages in the process of adding 14TB of customer data across 7 drives ... had I done it MANUALLY ...? I'd have to track down every folder-discrepancy when one system I believed to be calculating sizes with MiB and the other with MB ... meaning I couldn't even just look at folder sizes.

With CCC ... if it crashed copying, just bulldoze away ... and it'll eventually make everything perfect. I didn't even have to be competent! Nothing in terminal, no security or permissions hassles ... and I think people really miss how powerful of a tool it is for such simplicity.

I cannot thank you guys enough for the commitment to your clientele ... the interface, and even seeing a hiccup here and jumping on to offer input.

Emphatically, thank you.
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This is not true, you must have misread something. Producing bootable clones on 10.15.6 is actually more reliable (than on 10.15.5) because now CCC can use its own file copier for the entire process. 10.15.5 was a huge debacle, but finally that's over. Whatever you read was a comment about everything working correctly now, not the contrary.

Thanks for the good news! I used CCC to copy Catalina 10.15.6 from an external HDD which is my startup drive, to my internal 500G SSD with 2 partitions, coping process had no error messages, but in the end, somehow the Catalina partition was not bootable, which was not shown up when pressing Option key during mac startup.

Wonder if I did something wrong? BTW, I am using a iMac early 2009, RAM 8G, 500G SSD, with two OS installed, Ei Capitan and Catalina, running Catalina 10.15.6 with patcher. Ei Capitan runs very well, but have trouble to make Catalina working properly so far. I am trying to put these two OS on my internal SSD, but so far had troubles to make Catalina working.

Thanks in advance
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