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macrumors 604
Original poster
Oct 26, 2008
my MBP2017is bootcsmped.
The macOS begins to boot normally then the screen goes black the apple symbol appears and the load progress bar beings to move to the right. When the bar get about 30% the screen goes white and it displays the error log.
This just started to happen and I am/was running Mojave

When starting up the computer I can select windows 10 and it runs fine.

The apple partion doesn’t contain anything critical. The windows partion does.

Is it possible to recover the Mac side without wiping out the windows?


macrumors 6502
Sep 19, 2012
You can reinstall macOS on the Mac partition and it won't affect the windows install. Do you have a time machine backup you can try restoring from?


macrumors 604
Original poster
Oct 26, 2008
You can reinstall macOS on the Mac partition and it won't affect the windows install. Do you have a time machine backup you can try restoring from?

Never did a time machine back up. Documents and things get up loaded to iCloud or one drive.
My main concern was affecting the windows partion. Thank you for the reply
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