just to start out newegg has an awsome deal on corsair's 4gb kit of ram. literally just bought it. 40$ mail in if you get it by the 15th i think and its low latency!!
ok now the tough questions. I have a 24inch iMac running bootcamp with windows xp professional. now for all you sceptics out there i haven't had any crashes or anything- it runs like a charm.
now i run windows 24/7 just about. on weekends i turn it over to the mac osx side for updates etc. The reason being is that I use a trading program called Tradestation and it runs only on windows. I trade F/X which is 24 hours a day 6 days a week.
So what i've been doing at night so I can sleep is put a shirt over my screen haha. my question is.. is there a way to turn an iMac's screen off without turning the whole computer off?? and remember this is in windows mode.
ok now the tough questions. I have a 24inch iMac running bootcamp with windows xp professional. now for all you sceptics out there i haven't had any crashes or anything- it runs like a charm.
now i run windows 24/7 just about. on weekends i turn it over to the mac osx side for updates etc. The reason being is that I use a trading program called Tradestation and it runs only on windows. I trade F/X which is 24 hours a day 6 days a week.
So what i've been doing at night so I can sleep is put a shirt over my screen haha. my question is.. is there a way to turn an iMac's screen off without turning the whole computer off?? and remember this is in windows mode.