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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 5, 2008
just to start out newegg has an awsome deal on corsair's 4gb kit of ram. literally just bought it. 40$ mail in if you get it by the 15th i think and its low latency!!

ok now the tough questions. I have a 24inch iMac running bootcamp with windows xp professional. now for all you sceptics out there i haven't had any crashes or anything- it runs like a charm.

now i run windows 24/7 just about. on weekends i turn it over to the mac osx side for updates etc. The reason being is that I use a trading program called Tradestation and it runs only on windows. I trade F/X which is 24 hours a day 6 days a week.

So what i've been doing at night so I can sleep is put a shirt over my screen haha. my question is.. is there a way to turn an iMac's screen off without turning the whole computer off?? and remember this is in windows mode.
Goto the control panel and then to power options and change it where the screen turns off after so many minutes of inactivity. No more shirt.
There is some advice for this issue in this thread. Apparently, it depends on video drivers and whether your iMac has an nVidia or ATI GPU.

Incidentally, you probably know and weren't asking but hold Control-Shift-CD Eject buttons down all at once to turn off your display in OS X.
There is some advice for this issue in this thread. Apparently, it depends on video drivers and whether your iMac has an nVidia or ATI GPU.

Incidentally, you probably know and weren't asking but hold Control-Shift-CD Eject buttons down all at once to turn off your display in OS X.

Cool! Didn't know that.
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