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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 28, 2012
first of all im sorry to make a new thread although similar problems where already posted but the thing is i used Paragon Partition Manager FROM bootcamp [windows] to change size the of the partitions, and when it was done bootcamp dissappeared from disk start up when i resart my macbook, which means i cant access Paragon Partition Manager anymore if i want to disable it, although bootcamp is still there and i can see it and access my whole files from my mac, please someone help me :(
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If you accidentally deleted or somehow altered 200MB GPT partition from that NTFS disk, that is the reason.

This is how your NTFS Disk should look like when you create it from Boot Camp:


TIP (Windows NTFS partition won't show up when you have Paragon or Tuxera NTFS "drivers" installed. If you have Paragon, you can select that NTFS disk as start up in Paragons settings in System Preferences. If you have Tuxera NTFS installed, you can disable NTFS driver for any NTFS drive detected on your system, and then Windows NTFS disk will show up i Start Up disk.)
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If it doesn't show up in "Startup Disk" app, it should still show up by holding the option key at boot time.

You will need to be using an EFI compliant card for this to work.
Last time I lost Bootcamp (option key didn't see it either) I booted from the Windows 7 install disk and ran a repair. It has been fine since.
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