Hot on the heels of the 1.1.3 Jailbreak, the united iPhone Dev Team / Elite
Team taskforce is proud to announce our 1.1.2/1.1.3 hardware assisted
software unlock solution, project JerrySIM for OOTB 4.6 phones.
With JerrySIM, you'll be able to flash custom firmwares on your baseband and
welcome back our beloved AnySIM. Moreover, one click is enough to unlock and
you don't need to keep the jerrySIM in your phone - meet some friends and
start unlocking away
Because we hack for fun, and xSIMs are a pain for the community, we plan to
release JerrySIM as a free Silvercard/Funcard code, to let anyone create his
own card at a minimal cost. A TurboSIM version will also be available in the
coming days.
We do not wish to disclose more details about the bug right now, but be assured
it will be commented on when it's time to do so - in the meantime, let our
xSIMs friends and baseband pals have some fun, they deserve it too
Stay tuned, even more than ever
iPhone Dev & Elite Teams