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macrumors 68000
Oct 3, 2005
Nelson, BC. Canada
EEcuber17 said:
what d'you guys think is the easiest way to put borders around your pics?

Black Marker Pen

EDIT: Sorry, couldn't resist. What software do you normally use? Using Photoshop Elements, I add black borders by simply extending the canvas size by a few pixels on each edge, using a black fill colour. Good enough for my needs.


macrumors G3
Feb 7, 2002
are you printing them? yourself? or just for computer use? or what?

ps elements works... not sure of a way to do it in iphoto or any other such app. i bet gimp or other various freeware can do it though.

if you're talking of printing it, you can sometimes get online printing services to add borders for you, which may be a better option. or, could get a matte if you plan on framing... may look better than a bunch of black (or whatever color) ink.


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
EEcuber17 said:
I'll try Gimp.

There is more than one way to do this with Gimp. I can think of three. Also Gimp has its own script language and you could make a "make borders" function and apply it to a batch of photos. There are a few gimp email lists and some books you can read both printed and PDF format.
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