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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 17, 2009
Hey I just jailbroke my iPhone and got poof for it. You know, the app that let's you hide apps. And I was being stupid and decided to hide poof, so I couldn't find it and went on cydia to go reinstall it. When I did, it only brought up the option to remove it, so I did thinking I could just manually reinstall it. I couldn't and searched everywhere for it. So I thought "Why don't I just dowload bossprefs to hide my special apps?". I went to bossprefs to dowload it and it didn't bring up the install option in the uppervright hand corner, so I was just like **** what did I do?! So I need some serious help here. My firmware is 2.2.1 and I have a 3G iPhone. If that's any consolation.

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