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macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 23, 2008
So I have a JB 2G on 3.0 with BossPrefs. I set the toggle for turn off Edge and 3G and all that to OFF. But for some reason the iPhone still seems to be getting an E signal. ATT has specifically done a WIX lock on the SIM so data wont penetrate through [hopefully], but what can I do on my end to make sure of this? Because BossPrefs is failing at this. SBSettings is the same deal. SHould I even worry, like ATT DID block it, so nothing is getting though, but that E just makes me nervous, lol...

Just install APN Editing from Cydia, and then change the APN to disable data.

Hey thanks a lot for your quick response! I did as you said, I installed the thing, then went to general>network>cellular data w/e, and changed the APN username and password to some garbage. I kept the visual voicemail as it though. should I get rid of that too>

BUT, the E is still there? Is this normal? should I be concerned?

Thanks a lot for your help!!!
The E will always be there. No need to be worried. Just remember to reset the device after you change the APN. And to give you peace of mind just make sure 0 bytes was transferred under usage.
Just install APN Editing from Cydia, and then change the APN to disable data.

To change your APN Settings, dont need a Jailbreak and Cydia.
Just go with your iPhone to this site mobileconfig/ and change the APN setting to everything. Download and Install. E voila, you have no internet connection.
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