With all these problems with the screens, these sellers probably have the older iMacs that have the problems. Is it easy to notice the problem? i guess ill find out in a couple days.
If u are going to find out in a few days, why make a pointless thread?
No one here will ever and never should make u decide to purchase something or not! If u let other ppl decide what u should do with ur money u will end up with nothing and nowhere.
hmmm thanks for all the help...
With all these problems with the screens, these sellers probably have the older iMacs that have the problems. Is it easy to notice the problem? i guess ill find out in a couple days.
If u are going to find out in a few days, why make a pointless thread?
OMG my wife is having a baby WHAT SHOUD I DO!!!
I cant believe I got her pregnant, tell me please what to do!!!
Some people. WTF
i guess thats not what he did want to read , but you got a point there
he already bought it so no point to worry about after it happened
his only hope is now that the baby comes with arms and legs and a head
good luck
So you smarty boys who make fun of the OP, you think he should boil until his imac arrives?
He was probably expecting something more like "Not all iMacs on ebay are from the first weeks", "Not all iMac from first weeks had problems" etc.
i guess thats not what he did want to read , but you got a point there
he already bought it so no point to worry about after it happened
his only hope is now that the baby comes with arms and legs and a head
good luck
OMG my wife is having a baby WHAT SHOUD I DO!!!
I cant believe I got her pregnant, tell me please what to do!!!
Some people. WTF