Apple's B#%@! Lol I've been having wifi issues with my iPad since the day I bought it. Bought it on the day it came out. Was dropping connection...requiring me to constantly enter password etc. Figuring I only had a few days before my 14 day return policy was up I went to my local Best Buy where I bought it with the intention of swapping my iPad for a new one in hopes it would solve my wifi problems. Of course, they didn't have any ipads in stock and when asked when they would get more in they had no clue. So me, loving my Ipad as much as I do and didn't want to go home without one, thought of alternatives. I remembered reading how people who were using the Airport Extreme weren't experiencing any wifi issues.
So long and behold I bought the Airport Extreme and 2 days later haven't dropped my connection once.
I'm very happy about that and has made the iPad even more of a joy to use ( not having to constantly put in my password) but I feel like Apple should take more responsibility with the wifi issue because it is definitely there whether it's a software issue or hardware issue. If my iPhone or laptops have never had any problems with dropping connection there is no excuse why soo many ipads should be having this problem. I have no idea how Apple didn't see this coming!
So long and behold I bought the Airport Extreme and 2 days later haven't dropped my connection once.