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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 5, 2009
Paisley, Scotland
I hope this isn't my own stupidity, but i've done everything. I just bought an iMac whenever it gets boot up it has a picture of a wireless mighty mouse with steps on how to activate it, I can't move my mouse or keyboard either. I took a picture of the problem.


Please help!
Have you tried plugging in your keyboard/mouse to a different USB port? It would seem your iMac is struggling to find them...
Are the mouse/keyboard getting any power? Does caps lock light up if you press it, are the optics of the mouse lit up?
Have you tried plugging the mouse directly in to the computer? If that doesn't help you have a problem, if its brand new get Apple to replace it...

Sorry if thats not much help, I know its upsetting getting a duff Mac, my first Mac was a Power Mac G5 which was DOA :(
Less time whining, more time doing something about a replacement = using your new Mac faster.

Get off here and sort it!

No need to be so sniffy about it, there may have been a simple solution to the problem that asking some of the nicer folks here could have helped with.
If the OP has any USB keyboard/mouse available (Apple, MS, Kensington, it doesn't matter), and tries them in each available USB port, and still gets no response, then it's back to the store for this one.

And for the OP, please use the TIMG tags next time, full IMG's are hard to display (and I'm on a 19" display right now!) Example:

If you have another USB keyboard or mouse you could try plugging them in to at least see if the problem might be with the ports but it's looking like a return trip to the store for you!

Edit - Sorry JNB, I didn't realise you had already posted this (had the reply window open and had to go off and answer the phone)!
No need to be so sniffy about it, there may have been a simple solution to the problem that asking some of the nicer folks here could have helped with.

I wasn't being sniffy. I was trying to be encouraging.

If you look up, I was one of the nicer folks who did post to help. :rolleyes:
You may want to refer to this thread on the Apple Discussion forums. Apparently, the "fix" is to plug in a different USB mouse into the machine which will allow you to get past that error screen.

According to the last post in that thread someone with the issue was told by an Apple Support rep that the install disk might not have been the original one that came with the machine although I don't know if that has any validity or how it would be possible on your machine which is brand new from the factory.

Hopefully, the "fix" will let you get past that screen to install your OS though.
Yeah I just took it back to the Apple Store and they tried like 5 different mice in it, none worked, they said it was a faulty logic board, brand new as well. They gave me a straight replacement. Thanks for your help anyway guys! :D
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