I was about to order an apple tv but saw the pre orders for boxee it does everything the apple tv does and everything I was hoping atv flash could do later on only downside is I know I can trust Apples hardware not sure about a 1st gen boxee box.
Ten eighty
I have a question for you on this....
I can understand the compulsion to go after 1080 as it is the highest spec. Sometimes you just want to be able to say you have the biggest baddest device currently available, and I have done this myself. However, what do you say to all the tech experts when they state that the human eye can only tell the difference between 720 and 1080 if you have a very large HD panel and are sitting much closer to it than you should be? I would assume you aren't sitting 3 feet away from a 60 inch plasma, so if in 99% of cases people can't see a difference, why does it matter so much that you would eliminate a product solely on this one factor?
Specs are certainly great but what about support down the road? Repairs, bug fixes, improvements etc. I don't have a whole lot of faith in D-Link myself.
I say they're idiots and have no business calling themselves experts. I have access to both a 32" and a 37" HDTV, I sit roughly 5-6 feet away from the 32" and about 7-8 feet away from the 37", which if anything is farther away than recommended, and I can definitely tell the difference between 720p and 1080p content.
You've got to remember that only the hardware is made by D-Link, if it breaks you get it repaired under warrenty. As for the software, that's developed by Boxee Inc, and they are constantly fixing bugs and updating it, the same can't be said for the ATV's software.
I say they're idiots and have no business calling themselves experts. I have access to both a 32" and a 37" HDTV, I sit roughly 5-6 feet away from the 32" and about 7-8 feet away from the 37", which if anything is farther away than recommended, and I can definitely tell the difference between 720p and 1080p content.
Now that they have a new ATV masterplan (hardware and software) and are headed in a specific direction with development (cloud access and likely apps), I think it will get alot more software update love.
I'd hardly call stripping out the storage and removing the ability to purchase content a master plan. And don't get me started on apps, it's all people went on about before the announcenment, "Oh, yes the new ATV will have all these great apps", people were so convinced that Apple would add apps when infact there was no way in hell the ATV was going to get apps, and it never will. The measure of how much software support any given piece of hardware receives is dependent on how many units they sell, the more they sell the more they tend to support it which is why OSX and iOS gets supported so well, because Macs and iPods/iPhones sell well.
I was about to order an apple tv but saw the pre orders for boxee it does everything the apple tv does and everything I was hoping atv flash could do later on only downside is I know I can trust Apples hardware not sure about a 1st gen boxee box.
I'd hardly call stripping out the storage and removing the ability to purchase content a master plan. And don't get me started on apps, it's all people went on about before the announcenment, "Oh, yes the new ATV will have all these great apps", people were so convinced that Apple would add apps when infact there was no way in hell the ATV was going to get apps, and it never will. The measure of how much software support any given piece of hardware receives is dependent on how many units they sell, the more they sell the more they tend to support it which is why OSX and iOS gets supported so well, because Macs and iPods/iPhones sell well.
And don't get me started on apps, it's all people went on about before the announcenment, "Oh, yes the new ATV will have all these great apps", people were so convinced that Apple would add apps when infact there was no way in hell the ATV was going to get apps, and it never will.
I thought you might be interested...one of today's Macrumors articles disagrees with you on the App issue. it's a good read, you should check it out.
I say they're idiots and have no business calling themselves experts. I have access to both a 32" and a 37" HDTV, I sit roughly 5-6 feet away from the 32" and about 7-8 feet away from the 37", which if anything is farther away than recommended, and I can definitely tell the difference between 720p and 1080p content.