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macrumors G5
Original poster
Jan 9, 2008
Sunny, Southern California
Just got an email stating the above. Has anybody tried this yes? Both me and the wife have pandora accounts and love em. I think this is a pretty cool idea. Can't wait to try this out.
here's the email i got:

last week we released a new test version of the boxee alpha for Mac and Apple TV that included Pandora, RadioTime and a new boxee browser. spending a week fixing issues reported by users taking the plunge running the bleeding edge version, today we are releasing it to the masses:

download boxee for Intel Mac OS X 10.4+ -

next on our agenda are the much anticipated updates to Ubuntu and Windows, bringing them up to par with the Mac version, and releasing Windows publicly.

if you've used boxee to access Hulu in the past, with this new version you'll notice that boxee displays the webpage before playing the video. this is thanks to a new boxee browser based on Mozilla (like Firefox).

this new boxee browser lays the groundwork to support any video available on the web. to try out the new browser you can add RSS feeds in the App Box or go to Video > Browse > Add Source and add a URL - boxee will try to display the page and if there is a video on the page play the video.

Pandora - your most requested Internet music service is now on boxee. you can listen to your QuickMix and stations, as well as create new stations. it is a beautiful app built with our new API. make sure to check it out.

RadioTime - RadioTime enables you to access over 100,000 traditional radio stations from around the world. you can listen to your local stations as well custom presets created on

if you're a developer then you should check out the new boxee API at based on Python and XML, it will enable you to enhance boxee on your own, and then share it with everyone on the App Box. made something fantastic? make sure to connect with, so we may consider your app for the official repository, as well as connect you with third parties interested in creating boxee apps.

we've been nominated for CNet's Webware Top 100 - thanks for helping us spread the word! vote and see the rest of the nominees at
I don't see what there is to get excited about. Hulu playback of more recent high resolution shows is incredibly choppy and therefore nearly unwatchable on Apple TV. The Boxee interface in general is incredibly unresponsive and slow (I'll click back to a menu and it'll take 2 minutes sometimes before it actually gets there if Hulu is playing even if I pause or stop it first, which also takes forever). This program definitely has a LONG way to go before it's usable on Apple TV. It's apparently based on XBMC, but XBMC runs very smoothly by comparison on my Apple TV.

If buffering content is the cause then there needs to be an option to shut it off because this is just ridiculous and I have no intention of sitting there for hours while it buffers and who knows how often it'll want to buffer. I blame OS X for similar things at bad times. I'm playing Jedi Academy when all the sudden the game gets choppy. It turns out that OS X decided to run the "find" command (updater for "locate") while I was playing, rendering the game nearly unplayable. It doesn't intelligently look to see if you're doing something (large user % would be a good clue!) first before starting it's task. It just starts with no simple way to disable it. How many Mac users are even going to use locate in a shell anyway that this needs to be a default service? I think Apple needs to work on interface issues.
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