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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 18, 2005
Los Angeles
Just purchased a brand new 24 inch iMac and after about an hour of use a yellowish tinted 'humidity bubble' has begun rising out of the bottom right of the screen. It seems as though the heat of the machine aggravated some water and is now coming up like a rising sun.

Turning off the computer caused the bubble to shrink, but it was still visible. It is very annoying and cannot be ignored.

Anyone else have a similar problem? How did you (how would you) go about fixing it?

The Apple store is a bit of a drive and this is a real mood killer/inconvenience for the price of an Apple machine. :mad:
Just purchased a brand new 24 inch iMac and after about an hour of use a yellowish tinted 'humidity bubble' has begun rising out of the bottom right of the screen. It seems as though the heat of the machine aggravated some water and is now coming up like a rising sun.

Turning off the computer caused the bubble to shrink, but it was still visible. It is very annoying and cannot be ignored.

Anyone else have a similar problem? How did you (how would you) go about fixing it?

The Apple store is a bit of a drive and this is a real mood killer/inconvenience for the price of an Apple machine. :mad:

Wow...I have never heard of this. I would drive back to the store (call them first and schedule appointment. They should give you a new one no problem.

You have a bubble in your screen, not humidity in your screen.

Just take it back.
If you live in a humid area, get a dehumidifier and stick it in the room with the imac.

Otherwise I would send it back to apple for a replacement.
when i turned my new imac on i had a similar issue, lots of humidity in the bottom right corner about 1/5th of a screen(no yellow bubbles), kept running and in about an hour everything evaporated. No more issues.
Anything wrong with a new computer = return and get new one!

Screen should be air tight, with no chance of water/air getting behind it.

NO. The iMac screen is not air tight and most likely it is in fact that the OP lives in a highly humid area or his home has high moisture. I burn incense in my home and every few weeks I get smoke underneath my iMac screen from the incense. It's easy to remove the screen and clean the smoke from underneath but that's the situation, Apple does not make the glass air tight.
NO. The iMac screen is not air tight and most likely it is in fact that the OP lives in a highly humid area or his home has high moisture. I burn incense in my home and every few weeks I get smoke underneath my iMac screen from the incense. It's easy to remove the screen and clean the smoke from underneath but that's the situation, Apple does not make the glass air tight.

Should be anyway lol
No screen is air tight. Look at any monitor out there. In any case you got a defect so just take it back and get it swapped out. No biggie.
search this forum.. there was a quite lengthy discussion a couple weeks ago regarding this issue - like it was stated before, its your room thats the problem - not the iMac. you need to keep your area temperature controlled to the least extent.
Don't blow air into it, if it is a humid environment it will make it worse. I set up my brothers 24" iMac a month ago and the same thing happened. Lower right corner a huge patch of condensation started to develop. After about an hour of use it dried itself out and hasn't come back since. Nothing to worry about although it was a little off-putting at first.
Thanks for all the responses everyone. It did indeed correct itself after an hour or so of running the machine. My dad likes his house to feel like a meat freezer so maybe he'll have to cut back on the moisture.

I'll let everyone know if it happens again.
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