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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jun 23, 2010
Orlando, FL
I am your helpful guru. Calm yourselves as you wait for your beloved iPhone 7. Breathe with me. In... Out... In... Cough cough cough! Umm, I mean, in... out...
Close your eyes and think, think about receiving that email, that credit card hit, that ups search revealing that your precious iPhone will soon be in your hands. Now open your eyes.
Aren't you a happy camper?


macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
I am your helpful guru. Calm yourselves as you wait for your beloved iPhone 7. Breathe with me. In... Out... In... Cough cough cough! Umm, I mean, in... out...
Close your eyes and think, think about receiving that email, that credit card hit, that ups search revealing that your precious iPhone will soon be in your hands. Now open your eyes.
Aren't you a happy camper?

You didn't cover the part about live flight tracking your UPS/FedEx flight on!!!! :(


macrumors 6502
Sep 26, 2012
I actually asked someone on the Apple support chat about this as well - I haven't gotten a shipping notification yet for my 7 plus, which still says delivery by 9/16.

He let me know that many phones will get shipping notifications tonight or tomorrow and be delivered via overnight shipping on 9/16. He confirmed that my order is on track.

Hopefully that alleviates some fears for some.


macrumors 6502
Apr 27, 2011
I actually asked someone on the Apple support chat about this as well - I haven't gotten a shipping notification yet for my 7 plus, which still says delivery by 9/16.

He let me know that many phones will get shipping notifications tonight or tomorrow and be delivered via overnight shipping on 9/16. He confirmed that my order is on track.

Hopefully that alleviates some fears for some.
Go to UPS and track by reference. Your reference number being the phone number you're upgrading with the area code and without spaces of dashes.


macrumors 6502
Sep 26, 2012
Go to UPS and track by reference. Your reference number being the phone number you're upgrading with the area code and without spaces of dashes.

Woah - mind blown. It's in Kentucky, scheduled for 9/16 by EOD.

Thanks for the tip! Not sure how I missed that among all these threads.


macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
Woah - mind blown. It's in Kentucky, scheduled for 9/16 by EOD.

Thanks for the tip! Not sure how I missed that among all these threads.
If you pay attention to when and where the tracking tells you that the phone departed you can reference that time and location on any flight tracking site to zero in and track the UPS/FedEx flight of your phone.

If you're in to that sort of thing. ;)
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macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
you forgot about tracking down what they serve those pilots on board of the iPhone-fedex flights:cool:
Well…having worked for UPS for seven years in their West Coast Air Hub, the pilots are probably eating overstocked and stale peanuts. :D
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macrumors 68020
Apr 14, 2010
At least you guys have something to track. Being in IUP I'm in the dark until I show up Friday and 1) hope they have my phone, 2) hope they don't screw up the credit check and 3) hope nothing else unforeseen screws up the process.

God I really do love iPhone launches!!!:D
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