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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 20, 2008

About a month ago one of my brother's HomePods bricked. The white light that usually indicates Siri was replaced by red and the volume buttons became extra bright and flashed both at the same time over and over when plugged in. I told him I thought I read here there was an issue with the 13.2 update, but that was replaced quickly by 13.2.1 so I was at a bit of a loss. He told me it did happen during an update, but I'm not sure why it would have taken so long.

His Apple devices also didn't recognize his second HomePod anymore. We tried everything we could through the Home App to no avail. He scheduled time for the Genius Bar and brought it in last week with his 2016 MBP for keyboard replacement. He reserved two back to back slots I believe - one for the keyboard replacement and one for the HomePod issues.

The Genius (Genius #1) took the 2016 MBP in without question for replacement. A second Genius then spoke with him about his HomePods. He (Genius #2) took a look at the one that was not being recognized by his devices first and "fixed" it. He then took the second HomePod, plugged it in, and told him it was 2 months out of warranty and to go pound sand and enjoy his paperweight.

When he took the HomePods home the one that wasn't bricked stopped functioning properly again. We both can't imagine how this would have happened, but since the only way to access it is through the Home App we didn't have many options. I don't feel the need to make up a story here on MR, which I have been a part of for some time so please trust me when I say that both HomePods sit on his desk and never even get moved. That is to say, we're completely perplexed by the fact that a device with no inputs could even brick like this without someone throwing it against a wall (and I'm not even sure that would "brick" the device - it would probably just cause it not to turn on). There is clearly not even a scratch on the bricked HomePod (nor the other one).

What rubs salt in the wound is that we have spent an inordinate amount of money on Apple products for our start up. The Genius was so smug and rude it was mind blowing (I have other words to better articulate his character, but I'm doing my best to not make this a rant). He even said, "We take pride in our products here. Why don't you go buy a Sonos instead."

I mean - is this even real???

It's so disheartening now that we've gotten so heavily into the ecosystem for our 2 and a half year old business to get service like this. A few months ago we met with a business advisor so we could properly set up and manage the company's devices. She applauded us for being so proactive and said many companies come in later and regret it because of all the legwork that it takes to set up a system once a makeshift on is in place for companies with many employees (we started as two and are now seven). Ironically, I've been trying to email her back and she hasn't been very responsive. I believe, and am hoping, this is a coincidence, though. I've been an Apple customer since graduating high school prior to the arrival of the first iPod. That might not mean anything, but I'm mentioning it to contextualize the situation for anyone who might take the time to read this post.

$349.00 USD for this thing (HomePod) and they're not even willing to work with us or be courteous about it (at a minimum).

Does anyone have any suggestions? Has anyone had a bricked out-of-warranty HomePod replaced? I'm thinking of going back to the store and explaining the situation again to another "Genius" and seeing if we don't get a different outcome. If Apple won't work with me I'm going to file a complaint with the state's Attorney General so I at least feel I've done my part in case this happens to more people. I'm very disappointed to the point where I'm trying to let a little spilled milk boil over into rage. It makes me more grateful for the vendors who have treated us well, at least.

The HomePod is a personal, and not business, device. Again, I'm just trying to frame the whole situation.

Thank you for any insights or personal experience you may have that will help with this. Thank you for reading. I'm not a total crazy person - just a partial one.



Apr 29, 2018
the PNW
I would definitely take the bricked Homepod back to the store and (hopefully) speak to a different "Genius". You could also called Apple Support and see if you get a different experience. I would explain how you have been a loyal customer for many many years and how you believe Apple will do the right thing by replacing the Homepod. They did replace bricked Homepods when the 13.2 updated cluster**** happened.

As for the other Homepod, could there be something preventing it from connecting to your brother's network? From the information you provided this sounds like it could at least be a possibility.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 20, 2008
Thanks so much for the reply @iAssimilated . Calling Apple Support is a good idea. I was surprised by what happened at the store because it sounded like people had a lot of luck when a bunch of them were bricked. After the store visit my brother said it was probably just people in the EU who were having luck with getting the bricked unit swapped.

At least the HomePod #2 isn’t bricked. I feel like we’ll be able to get that one sorted out.

Did anyone else in the states have luck getting their bricked unit swapped even though it was out of warranty?

Thanks again.


macrumors 65816
Apr 6, 2009
Vienna, VA
I have a HomePod that is bricked its the big one and it got bricked with software update, and I know its out of warranty, and just wondering if anyone got there's fixed how much was it, or was it just swaped out for free?


macrumors 65816
Apr 6, 2009
Vienna, VA
Still trying to figure out if I should get my original HomePod fix and I finally found my receipt when I order it online it was back in July or 2018
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