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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 28, 2020
Hi all,
I've recently been going through my family's cupboards and found my old iPad 1st gen. I wanted to see if anything was wrong with it, and sure enough there was. Whenever you unplug it from power, it will turn off (obviously a battery problem), but when plugged into power it will light up for a split second then shut off. It will repeat this cycle until you unplug it. I tried recovery and dfu modes, but to no avail. I got all the errors you could ever want. Any ideas on how I can restore this old iPad, or is it time for it to go to the dumpster?

Thanks in advance,


Jun 18, 2012
Mine had that, but I was able to bring it back to life.
Make sure you're using a 10w or more powerful charger.
Make sure you are using a genuine 30pin usb cable - I've had issues with junk off ebay.
Now, leave it on charge for several hours, even if it's doing the reboot cycle. It will eventually stay on if it does the same thing mine did.
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 28, 2020
Thanks, Sirgib.
I have tried to leave it plugged in today when I went out for a few hours, and when I got home it was still rebooting. I left it for another hour and same thing.
Any ideas?
I'm pretty sure I'm using a genuine charger, if not ill try again tonight.
Thanks for the help,


Jun 18, 2012
Take a look at the charger, and see what the output rating is. If you have another cable, worth trying that too.

It might be your battery is beyond help, but keep trying - I almost gave up on this one until I figured out it was the cable I was using (and I needed to let it sit charging for 2 days)


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 28, 2020
Still doing reboot loop, but staying on apple logo for about 10 seconds before shutting down.
I've left it on charge for 3 days.
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