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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 11, 2009
long story short, i'm an idiot and updated to beta 3.0 without a developer UUID.

now my phone is messed up.
i've downloaded 2.0.2, 2.2, 2.2.1 firmwares and tried to option click to restore to those firmwares after putting iPhone into DFU mode and i get the usual error 1013 which i click on and then i don't know what to do. i tried to use QuickPWN once i click ok to error 1013 but quickpwn does not recocognize my iphone.

every single guide on the internet is the same guide just in a different font literally.

i've tried for 2 days straight to fix my phone and i just ccan't, i really need some help, if u could spare 5 minutes of your life to personally message me or reply to this that would be fantastic cause i just drained and sadded cause i can't fix this darn thing.........

if anybody is a devoloper and would add me to there list ill pay them whatever they want ill give a developer $15 to add me to device list if itll fix my phone

please help

thank you
long story short, i'm an idiot and updated to beta 3.0 without a developer UUID.

now my phone is messed up.
i've downloaded 2.0.2, 2.2, 2.2.1 firmwares and tried to option click to restore to those firmwares after putting iPhone into DFU mode and i get the usual error 1013 which i click on and then i don't know what to do. i tried to use QuickPWN once i click ok to error 1013 but quickpwn does not recocognize my iphone.

every single guide on the internet is the same guide just in a different font literally.

i've tried for 2 days straight to fix my phone and i just ccan't, i really need some help, if u could spare 5 minutes of your life to personally message me or reply to this that would be fantastic cause i just drained and sadded cause i can't fix this darn thing.........

if anybody is a devoloper and would add me to there list ill pay them whatever they want ill give a developer $15 to add me to device list if itll fix my phone

please help

thank you

Just to tell you upgrading to 3.0 upgrades the iphones baseband and im not sure if it will work with any other firmware. I personally dont know how to downgrade the baseband but im sure there is someone out there who knows. Sorry i couldnt be any more helpful.
I used the guide on the Big Boss. To down grade. Has both mac and windows versions. Make sure you use the stock 2.2.1 and not a custom .ipsw. And follow them exactly. Worked for me on 2 phones for friends that got trigger happy.

Good luck.
when trying to re-install my 3.0 (because of a bad installation) it got stuck in restore mode... tried everything under the sun, until someone that had the exact same issue helped me perfectly... do this to the tee. pm me if it does not work

The way I fixed this error was to visit the following URL:


Go to Step 4 for Mac, download the iRecovery utility, and follow the
directions for installing it

Once you boot your phone into recovery mode and use 'iRecovery -s' to
connect, run the following commands

setenv auto-boot true

You'll probably need to run fsboot twice for the phone to reboot.
Eventually it should come back up in normal mode.  As for connecting
to iTunes, I'm not sure how I got that functionality back, but it did
eventually come back after reinstalling iTunes and XCode.
I used the guide on the Big Boss. To down grade. Has both mac and windows versions. Make sure you use the stock 2.2.1 and not a custom .ipsw. And follow them exactly. Worked for me on 2 phones for friends that got trigger happy.

Good luck.
thank you so much for that link to big boss. i used iRecovery and Terminal and managed to get it back to normal 2.2.1 firmware without having it jailbroken, thank you so much guys.

i appreciate it, i really appreciate it
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