My 2019 i7 MBP running Ventura 13.7 had a panic at some point overnight (much like my country, but that's for another forum) and rebooted. I was able to copy/paste the log info before sending to Apple. I believe it said that it was a BridgeOS issue, but I can't be sure.
I've run Disk Utility and OnyX. and everything appears to be OK. Can someone please translate this for me and tell me if I should be concerned?
I've run Disk Utility and OnyX. and everything appears to be OK. Can someone please translate this for me and tell me if I should be concerned?
panic(cpu 1 caller 0xfffffff00fa9c6d4): Kernel data abort. at pc 0xfffffff00e43e094, lr 0xfffffff00e443a1c (saved state: 0xffffffe3f6c7b8f0)
x0: 0x0000000000000000 x1: 0xffffffe10add44e8 x2: 0xffffffdf3f1125c0 x3: 0x00000000000000a0
x4: 0xffffffdf3f112640 x5: 0xffffffe0257464a0 x6: 0x0000000000000000 x7: 0xfffffff00ecd627c
x8: 0xffffffffffffff60 x9: 0xfffffff00fb2acd0 x10: 0x000000000041e508 x11: 0x0000000000000000
x12: 0x1000000000000000 x13: 0xfffffff00fae8640 x14: 0x0000000000000000 x15: 0x0000000000000000
x16: 0xfffffff00f928ecc x17: 0x0000000000000001 x18: 0xfffffff00f36d000 x19: 0x0000000000000000
x20: 0xffffffe10add44e8 x21: 0xffffffe0250641d0 x22: 0x0000000000000000 x23: 0x0000000000000000
x24: 0xfffffff00e45657c x25: 0xffffffdd71b584f0 x26: 0x0000000000000002 x27: 0xfffffff00e05a599
x28: 0xffffffe0250641f8 fp: 0xffffffe3f6c7bc50 lr: 0xfffffff00e443a1c sp: 0xffffffe3f6c7bc40
pc: 0xfffffff00e43e094 cpsr: 0x60400204 esr: 0x0000000096000005 far: 0x0000000000000070
Debugger message: panic
Memory ID: 0xff
OS release type: User
OS version: 22P353
macOS version: 22H123
Kernel version: Darwin Kernel Version 24.0.0: Mon Aug 12 20:39:22 PDT 2024; root:xnu-11215.1.10~1/RELEASE_ARM64_T8010
KernelCache UUID: 0AD96D3C6D0EC892E1A31B6B972B8114
Kernel UUID: BFEE985D-CFDF-35F8-89BE-DD7CCFE3C770
Boot session UUID: 5B3AAD3B-2A18-4F49-BDF5-AE81623F9DF2
iBoot version: iBoot-11881.1.1
secure boot?: YES
roots installed: 0
x86 EFI Boot State: 0xe
x86 System State: 0x0
x86 Power State: 0x2
x86 Shutdown Cause: 0x5
x86 Previous Power Transitions: 0x20002000200
PCIeUp link state: 0x68947200
macOS kernel slide: 0x400000
Paniclog version: 14
Kernel slide: 0x00000000081a0000
Kernel text base: 0xfffffff00f1a4000
mach_absolute_time: 0x375a7c8ae304
Epoch Time: sec usec
Boot : 0x670031af 0x0002a71c
Sleep : 0x672b4e71 0x00057f5c
Wake : 0x672b4e71 0x000ad592
Calendar: 0x672b4e72 0x000a2807
Zone info:
Zone map: 0xffffffdc3e768000 - 0xffffffe23e768000
. VM : 0xffffffdc3e768000 - 0xffffffdd24dcc000
. RO : 0xffffffdd24dcc000 - 0xffffffdd71a98000
. GEN0 : 0xffffffdd71a98000 - 0xffffffde580fc000
. GEN1 : 0xffffffde580fc000 - 0xffffffdf3e760000
. GEN2 : 0xffffffdf3e760000 - 0xffffffe024dc8000
. GEN3 : 0xffffffe024dc8000 - 0xffffffe10b430000
. DATA : 0xffffffe10b430000 - 0xffffffe23e768000
Metadata: 0xffffffdc30438000 - 0xffffffdc31c38000
Bitmaps : 0xffffffdc31c38000 - 0xffffffdc31d68000
Extra : 0 - 0
Largest zones:
Zone Name Cur Size Free Size
vm objects 54M 13K
kalloc.type.var6.192 40M 14K
iokit.IOGeneralMemor 37M 352B
iokit.IOMemoryMap 18M 12K
iokit.OSArray 8M 9K
TPIDRx_ELy = {1: 0xffffffe0257464a0 0: 0x0000000000000001 0ro: 0x0000000000000000 }
CORE 0: PC=0xfffffff00f92ee40, LR=0xfffffff00f9263e0, FP=0xffffffe3f6b43cc0
CORE 1 is the one that panicked. Check the full backtrace for details.
Compressor Info: 5% of compressed pages limit (OK) and 9% of segments limit (OK) with 0 swapfiles and OK swap space
Panicked task 0xffffffde57fd39e8: 0 pages, 239 threads: pid 0: kernel_task
Panicked thread: 0xffffffe0257464a0, backtrace: 0xffffffe3f6c7b090, tid: 12636092
lr: 0xfffffff00f3adf70 fp: 0xffffffe3f6c7b100
lr: 0xfffffff00f4e7010 fp: 0xffffffe3f6c7b170
lr: 0xfffffff00f4e610c fp: 0xffffffe3f6c7b260
lr: 0xfffffff00f36d6bc fp: 0xffffffe3f6c7b270
lr: 0xfffffff00f3ad9b0 fp: 0xffffffe3f6c7b640
lr: 0xfffffff00fa9287c fp: 0xffffffe3f6c7b660
lr: 0xfffffff00fa9c6d4 fp: 0xffffffe3f6c7b7e0
lr: 0xfffffff00f4e6968 fp: 0xffffffe3f6c7b8d0
lr: 0xfffffff00f36d6bc fp: 0xffffffe3f6c7b8e0
lr: 0xfffffff00e443a1c fp: 0xffffffe3f6c7bc50
lr: 0xfffffff00e443a1c fp: 0xffffffe3f6c7bc70
lr: 0xfffffff00e461664 fp: 0xffffffe3f6c7bcd0
lr: 0xfffffff00e4566cc fp: 0xffffffe3f6c7bd20
lr: 0xfffffff00f9c8428 fp: 0xffffffe3f6c7bd90
lr: 0xfffffff00ed8e8dc fp: 0xffffffe3f6c7be10
lr: 0xfffffff00f9c7148 fp: 0xffffffe3f6c7be60
lr: 0xfffffff00f9c5b28 fp: 0xffffffe3f6c7bec0
lr: 0xfffffff00f9c530c fp: 0xffffffe3f6c7bf20
lr: 0xfffffff00f3786c4 fp: 0x0000000000000000