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macrumors member
Original poster
May 15, 2010
I am coming to the States next week and thought I would pick up a 3G iPad while I was there.

However, I called ahead and have been told by a store employee that they are nor allowed to sell to folks from the UK until after the UK launch date - and that I won't be able to buy a 3G model anyway because of the link with AT&T.

Surely that is nonsense? After all, there is no contract involved, so it is just like buying a laptop or iPod. Even the Apple site makes it clear that you could buy a 3G model and never sign up for service!

Has anyone else heard anything similar?:confused:

I bought a 3G iPad on launch day in San Francisco. Didn't have any trouble. They even activated it for me since I didn't have my MacBook with me.
I find that information highly suspect. I think it's important to keep in mind that retail employees are an instance of dictatorship in an open society.
Exactly, so my British friend that is a US citizen couldn't buy one just because he has an accent?

Ye gads.... what store did you call?

King Street, Charleston.

The issue isn't the accent - the issue is the Credit Card with a UK address.

It seems to be the same problem that there would have been in buying an iPhone a few years ago.

I have no (massive) problem in waiting a couple of weeks, but it would be a bit cheaper to buy in the States and I really want a 3G one - so if they won't sell it at all, I'll just have to wait until I come home.

I'll be over there until the end of the first week in June, so if it was just the release date which was the problem, that wouldn't be so bad.

The real issue is the "We can't sell you a 3G one because we have AT&T, you have something called "Orange"" - that's what I was told. The staff member I spoke to was very courteous, pleasant and apologetic.


Me thinks it's either a single store manager drunk on "power," or a peon employee pining for power.

Serious, serious doubts about the validity of this. Certainly would give Apple a ginormous black eye for stupidity if it was a policy -- and Apple is smarter than that, so I'm going to put my bet all on "no".
That's doesn't make sense for me at all. However, if it is true that they only accept CCs to purchase the iPad, then that might be true.

Have checked if BB have the same policy?
I bought a 3G iPad on launch day in San Francisco. Didn't have any trouble. They even activated it for me since I didn't have my MacBook with me.

Are you from the UK then?

Did you use a UK credit card?

Did you have to provide any local address at any stage?

Did you activate with AT&T?

Sorry for the questions, but I sort of have my heart set on the purchase....
However, if it is true that they only accept CCs to purchase the iPad, then that might be true.

Still would not make sense b/c Apple's CC approval system does not require zip code, like some drug and grocery stores do. Also all the major CCs prohibit a company denying use of a card simply b/c it's issued in a foreign country. There are "domestic" versions, but if the user has a "worldwide" card then it's valid anywhere in the world as long as the account is in good standing.
Me thinks it's either a single store manager drunk on "power," or a peon employee pining for power.

Serious, serious doubts about the validity of this. Certainly would give Apple a ginormous black eye for stupidity if it was a policy -- and Apple is smarter than that, so I'm going to put my bet all on "no".

I do have the option of waiting for the next week and trying the Florida Mall/Milennia Stores. Has anyone any experience with either of them?
Are you from the UK then?

Did you use a UK credit card?

Did you have to provide any local address at any stage?

Did you activate with AT&T?

Sorry for the questions, but I sort of have my heart set on the purchase....

Yes. I'm from York.

No, didn't have to provide address.

Didn't activate AT&T.

FYI. You should buy some gift cards with it so that you can buy some apps and iBooks for it. Just set up a new iTunes account with a fake address and zip code.

Also, you can get a free microsim from O2 or Orange on 28 May, which should work fine with your iPad.

Hope that helps.
Yes. I'm from York.

No, didn't have to provide address.

Didn't activate AT&T.

FYI. You should buy some gift cards with it so that you can buy some apps and iBooks for it. Just set up a new iTunes account with a fake address and zip code.

Also, you can get a free microsim from O2 or Orange on 28 May, which should work fine with your iPad.

Hope that helps.

Thanks very much for all that - I actually have a MicroSIM ordered already, so you'll guess that this spanner in the works was not that welcome!

I'll report back once I'm over there.

Thanks to everyone for the responses - watch this space....:)
Thanks very much for all that - I actually have a MicroSIM ordered already, so you'll guess that this spanner in the works was not that welcome!

I'll report back once I'm over there.

Thanks to everyone for the responses - watch this space....:)

The biggest issue is going to be that you aren't going to get one without reserving it probably - and that has a wait. Some stores will allow you to reserve over the phone, some won't. You have 24 hours to pick it up after it comes in, so if you time it wrong you could miss out.

Best Buy would be the better bet if they are getting inventory right now, but again it is hit and miss.

Inventory is constrained..... and i think it will get more so as they build up for the international launch.

ANy chance of a US friend ordering it for you from
Utter nonsense.

Don't let one misinformed Apple retail employee on the phone make up your mind for you on this one, you are free to purchase whatever iPad you wish. It is not "locked" to any carrier, you are not obligated to activate AT&T at the time of purchase, and your nationality or credit card has absolutely no bearing on any purchase you might wish to make. I am 100% sure on all of this.

So, full steam ahead, and enjoy your new iPad 3G two weeks ahead of the UK launch, friend!
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