Hey All! My dad got an iMac G4 with a 20" screen, 1.33mhz, about a year and a half ago, new. It is a great computer, however, every once in a while the screen goes black and it goes to sleep. The problem arises when I move the mouse and get the computer to wake back up. The sleeping light goes off and the computer starts back up like it normally should, but sometimes the screen just doesn't come back on! When this happens I have tried every possible means of helping the situation. I have rebooted the computer as well, and it still goes black after it is started! I let it sit for a while and then turn it back on again and it will work. Does anybody have any idea what is wrong with it?! It has been HARDLY used because my dad uses a different computer at work, so I don't think it is because of wear and tear. Any advice?