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macrumors regular
Original poster
Apr 9, 2006
I went to get new headphones at the genius bar and they asked to see my phone to check the serial #. I completely forgot the phone was jail-broken.

The genious said "I'll pretend I didn't see "Installer" and "Cydia".

He also ran a diagnostics software that again let him know the phone was currently jail-broken. He let me know that next time I should restore my phone because technically this voids the warranty etc.

I am lucky. Awesome genius/tech.

New headphones. Whew.
you're right, they usually just take your word that it's broken and give you a brand new one without looking at it

You might want to actually read the first post. :) This thread is not about a broken phone.
I know they needed to see the serial number in order to switch out the USB adapter-plug, but I just read it to them from my JB 3G iPhone...:eek:

They have a diagnostics tools now that they run also. It shows average battery life/# of dropped calls etc. It also says whether the phone is jailbroken. But if you restore they won't know.

and ya I never use installer but I quickpwned...
Citation for the existence of the tool or the ability of a restore to make it impossible to tell?

Because the latter has been proven true.

Ah. I should have clarified: I'm interested in evidence that the tool exists. From what I've seen, the only way that Apple reps can tell if your phone is jailbroken is if they spot some of the homebrew apps. If they do have such a diagnostic tool, I'd be interested to learn more about it.
Ah. I should have clarified: I'm interested in evidence that the tool exists. From what I've seen, the only way that Apple reps can tell if your phone is jailbroken is if they spot some of the homebrew apps. If they do have such a diagnostic tool, I'd be interested to learn more about it.

Of course, the only problem here is... spotting the apps is easy enough that a diagnostic tool isn't needed, unless you've jailbroken and aren't using jailbroken apps... but, then, what was the point of jailbreaking? :D
I went to get new headphones at the genius bar and they asked to see my phone to check the serial #. I completely forgot the phone was jail-broken.

The genious said "I'll pretend I didn't see "Installer" and "Cydia".

He also ran a diagnostics software that again let him know the phone was currently jail-broken. He let me know that next time I should restore my phone because technically this voids the warranty etc.

I am lucky. Awesome genius/tech.

New headphones. Whew.

I don't understand why so many people are afraid that Apple is going to find out........

What was he going to do? Take your phone? No, he can't do that... it's illegal.

Can he void your warranty? He could try.... but then you could go home, and restore it... and come back. They would then have to PROVE that your phone was jailbroken. You could just call them idiots and demand to talk to another manager, or take it to another store.... or call Apple. Either way, you'll end up with a warranty.

That's why he didn't do anything, because they can't.

The cold hard facts are simple, you can't get ANY warranty work done while your phone is in "out of warranty condition", however..... once you restore it, all warranties are back on.
I don't understand why so many people are afraid that Apple is going to find out........

Good theory however if the diag tool exists which i have to no doubt it doesn't that is all they need to permanently void your warranty. They run the Diag. it comes up jail broken... warranty is voided end of story. No amount of bitching and complaining will change that. You broke a legally binding agreement and they have now cut you off...

So your saying if I where to be given a Breathalyzer test on the side of the road and it says im drunk as **** but then the next day I speak to the judge and say "Hey man I'm not drunk now case closed..."

Apple = The Law
and ya I never use installer but I quickpwned...

When you run quickpwn, there's a screen where it gives you the option of picking which ones to install: cydia, installer, the pinapple bootup logo. You can select all, none, or any combination thereof.
Good theory however if the diag tool exists which i have to no doubt it doesn't that is all they need to permanently void your warranty. They run the Diag. it comes up jail broken... warranty is voided end of story. No amount of bitching and complaining will change that. You broke a legally binding agreement and they have now cut you off...

So your saying if I where to be given a Breathalyzer test on the side of the road and it says im drunk as **** but then the next day I speak to the judge and say "Hey man I'm not drunk now case closed..."

Apple = The Law

There is no tool that does that. There may be a tool that looks to see if the root directory was accessed. That is worthless as well. Once the app store came out, all users now have at least limited access to the root directory. There is no tool that can tell if the phone has been jailbroken. It is a software that can be removed and restored to default. Quit trying to scare people.
Good theory however if the diag tool exists which i have to no doubt it doesn't that is all they need to permanently void your warranty. They run the Diag. it comes up jail broken... warranty is voided end of story. No amount of bitching and complaining will change that. You broke a legally binding agreement and they have now cut you off...
Sorry, but ... you're flat-out WRONG. ;)

I've taken THREE jailbroken iPhone 3Gs in to the Apple Store now, and had them replaced - no problem. I didn't even bother restoring. :cool:
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