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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 16, 2004
I was wondering if I could get some feedback on what browsers people use. I currently have a brand new iBook G4 (switcher) and was curious to see if there are any Camino/Firebird/Mozilla/Netscape or even MSIE users out there.

Do any of the browser alternatives offer speed and usability as well as standards that Safari may lack?

Duff-Man says....I would have to guess that there have been a lot of "what browser...." threads already....but anyway.....Safari is what I use 95% of the time and it does the job well and fine. If ever I run into an instance where it doesn't, I try Mozilla/Firebird or OmniWeb .....IE is a last last last resort.....oh yeah!
There are more than a few threads on this. ;)

I tend to use the Mozilla variants. It's usually Firebird or Camino. Safari is okay but I like my bookmarks in a drop-down menu.
I use Firebird because it does have more options than Safari (per-site popup blocking, better cookie controls, per-site ad blocking with a plugin, oh yeah and it has plugins!). Also Firebird is quite fast - but I think Safari is slightly faster.

IE on the Mac was a good browser, back when the only alternative was Netscape 4. Of course back then, people still thought Milli Vanilli did their own singing.
I only come across a few sites that don't work with Safari so I use that. Tabbed browsing, pop-up blocking is good.

To be honest I've never downloaded the others. I just use IE on the 0.5% problem pages I encounter.
i use Safari mostly. i used to use Camino, sometimes Mozilla, sometimes Opera as well (only because i've got it installed from Macromedia Studio MX 2004:p)
safari mostly..sometimes ie5...frgive me if i am being blasphemous but ie is much faster when i am watching live scores on some site..
Originally posted by abhishekit
safari mostly..sometimes ie5...frgive me if i am being blasphemous but ie is much faster when i am watching live scores on some site..

I should try it.

Like most people, I use Safari 99% of the time. But, every once in a while, certain sites ( don't display properly, and IE5 is what I use then.
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