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It would be interesting to see which browser one uses. I primarily use Google Chrome, along with Firefox and occasionally Opera. Today, though, I saw this review of a new one entitled "Brave", and it seems to be the best regarding privacy, etc. Here is a link to that review:

I've already downloaded it on my Mac Mini, and plan on testing it out.

So, which browser do you use, and have you tried Brave?
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It would be interesting to see why browser one uses. I primarily use Google Chrome, along with Firefox and occasionally Opera. Today, though, I saw this review of a new one entitled "Brave", and it seems to be the best regarding privacy, etc. Here is a link to that review:

I've already downloaded it on my Mac Mini, and plan on testing it out.

So, which browser do you use, and have you tried Brave?

Yes, loved the Brave browser, but no pause mode. i was having problems loading an app and wanted to just put Brave on hold, but it forced me to shut it down. a2
Firefox behind vpn and more ad blockers than you can shake a stick at.
Last time I did a Google search on my tightest Mac, Google asked me to prove I was not a robot, via captcha. That pleases me.
I no longer get ads for industrial scale fermentation equipment, or fancy avionics.
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OK, I have been using Brave on my MacMini running Mojave (V10.14.6) for the last 30 minutes or so, and I am very, very pleased! It is definitely fast, and it's especially pleasing to visit sites like Espn and and not see all the ads. It easily imported all my bookmarks from Google Chrome.

What was most impressive was that with my other browsers (Chrome, Firefox, and Opera), I have as the home/start page. Whenever any of them are launched, it definitely takes some time for that page to come up. But with Brave, it comes up right away! I thus suspect there is a lot of "crap" (ads) of that page which typically make it slow to come up. But Brave bypasses all of that.

I am going to make Brave my default browser, especially for my EMail program Thunderbird. And based on what I am seeing from this initial version, it's a winner!
Yes, loved the Brave browser, but no pause mode. i was having problems loading an app and wanted to just put Brave on hold, but it forced me to shut it down. a2
The first non-beta version just came out today, so if you've been using the beta one, you might try and give this first "live" one a shot. I am totally impressed by it.
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I use Brave on my Windows work PC. I use Safari on Mac with AdGuard Pro. Brave is not bad - it has gone a long way from when I first started using it years ago.
Been testing Brave for a few days. It seems to be performing quite well.

Otherwise, I mostly use Safari.
I've always found Safari to be the slowest among the browsers, and now with Brave being a speed demon, that is another one which is faster than Safari. I had been using Google Chrome just about exclusively for the past couple of years, but Bravo is certainly beating it.
Safari mainly, Chrome for web apps that demand it, or sites I want to capture media from.
I use both of them (along with Google Chrome, and Firefox). Bravo is definitely the fastest of any of them. Plus it does an excellent job of cutting out ads/restricting pop-ups, etc. One of the most evident tests is when I start any of them. The page I want to open at start-up is Except for Brave, for ALL the other ones, there is a distinctive, long pause before the page opens. But for Bravo, it opens just about instantly. That (to me) says that there is some advertising "stuff" that Brave is stopping, but not the others.

The other obvious page is For Brave, there is quite a lot of white space where ads normally appear, and the ads are there for those other browsers.

For now (and the past few days), Brave is the only one I use. Definitely am very pleased with it.
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Curious as to the main advantages of Brave over Opera, if available please.

Opera may have had advantages when it used its own engine, but now that's it's just another Chromium based browser, I don't see much to differentiate it. Brave is also Chromium based, but de-Googled and already set up the way I like it (with adblocker, etc). It saves setup time for me. It also lets you open a private window that is routed through Tor, which is cool, though it provides less anonymity than the Tor Browser.
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Brave is also Chromium based, but de-Googled and already set up the way I like it (with adblocker, etc). It saves setup time for me. It also lets you open a private window that is routed through Tor, which is cool, though it provides less anonymity than the Tor Browser.
Exactly! Just download, install, and you will not see any ads! The developers of Brave certainly belive in the KISS philosophy: Keep It Simple Stupid.
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