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macrumors 65816
Original poster
May 14, 2003
I HOPE this is something that is a possibility, cause if its not, well, I just hope it is. In Windows you can open a folder that contains pictures, click on one and it will pop up in the viewer, then you can hit the left/right arrow key on the keyboard to go to next or previous picture.

Im sure if I import the pics into iPhoto it would be easier to browse through them, but I dont want to do that just yet.

I hope being able to go from one picture to the next is a possibility, it kind of sucks having to close each picture out to view the next one.
Select all the pics you want to see (in Finder), then right click and select Slideshow. Not the same, but close and, I think, better. You can control the views, you don't have to just watch them as they go by.
You could try selecting all the pictures in that folder, right-clicking and them and select "Slideshow".

This isn't exactly the way Windows does it, however, I think you get the same basic result.

edit: geez jsw... :eek: Well... great minds think alike?
jsw said:
Select all the pics you want to see (in Finder), then right click and select Slideshow. Not the same, but close and, I think, better. You can control the views, you don't have to just watch them as they go by.

Wow, thats pretty cool. Especially the index sheet. Not the same, but better than looking at each pic one at a time. Thanks.
That slideshow is cool. I've been using JView for all my image viewing needs. It's pretty handy and has a nice slideshow feature. In the regular view, you can flip through pics with the arrow keys while holding down command.
VoodooDaddy said:
Wow, thats pretty cool. Especially the index sheet. Not the same, but better than looking at each pic one at a time. Thanks.
Just so you know, 'i' takes you to the index sheet, and you can use the arrow keys and 'return' to go between them. No need to keep clicking different pics if you don't want to.
VoodooDaddy said:
Wow, thats pretty cool. Especially the index sheet. Not the same, but better than looking at each pic one at a time. Thanks.
I agree, thats awesome. Good tip, jsw. I hadn't ever played with the slideshow thing before. The index sheet is my new toy to annoy my Windows friends at how much more awesome OS X is.
One of the shareware apps that every Mac user oughta have is Graphic Converter. (In fact I think it ships with some models as part of the default install; or did in recent history at any rate...).

GC will let you specify a folder and run a "slideshow", which can either show each pic for a specified interval or else wait for mouse click before moving on. It can optionally display the image name and other data.

That's one small tool in a veritable Swiss Army Knife of a program. Ever wanted to convert a folder full of hi-res TIFF images to a web-appropriate folder of JPEGS no more than 1024 at greatest resolution? Wanna do it with about 3 clicks of the mouse button? Graphic Converter! Print a catalogue of all images in a folder, including its subfolders, with file/image info at the top? Graphic Converter. Convert an old Amiga IFF image to the CEL format used for KISS dollies in Kisekae? Hey, it's not called Graphic Converter w/o reason! Not in love with iPhoto, got a digital camera? GC does imports from connected camera. Got a TWAIN scanner? Want a text list of files and their characteristics such as width and length in pixels and MB (or GB or KB) and bit depth and file type? Etc etc.
You could just select the ones you want to view right click and hit open they will open w/ preview and you can use the down up down arrrows to cycle through. Although i enjoy slidshow as well.
That graphic converter sounds alot like irfanviewer for pc (which I used alot), except irfan is free :rolleyes:
Also, when viewing the folder in icon view you can pump the icon preview up to 128 x 128. Just hit apple-j or from the menu go View > Show View Options.
use a program called xee to view your pictures. it works well, you don't need to select all pictures to view them all, you can open up one file, and go to the next one with a click on the keyboard or mouse.
steelfist said:
use a program called xee to view your pictures. it works well, you don't need to select all pictures to view them all, you can open up one file, and go to the next one with a click on the keyboard or mouse.

l"ll give that a look.

Regarding the slideshow though, how can you get it to browse through the pics in order? For instance, if I have 20 pics labeled img_001 - img_020, if I select all and start the slideshow they are all out of order, even on the index page.
I believe it plays them in the order you selected them.
If you drag a box around all of them or use Cmd-A, the order is pretty much random.

Try viewing the pictures in list or column view rather than icon, then select the first one and shift+click the last item. That will select everything in between the two. From there, start your slideshow and everything will be in order.

realityisterror said:
I believe it plays them in the order you selected them.
If you drag a box around all of them or use Cmd-A, the order is pretty much random.

Try viewing the pictures in list or column view rather than icon, then select the first one and shift+click the last item. That will select everything in between the two. From there, start your slideshow and everything will be in order.


Didnt work. Yes, originally I was doing cmd-a and starting slideshow. I tried your suggestion, selecting the first pic, shift-click each one to the end of the order, started slideshow. First 3 were in order, but the next one was like #20 of the group. Guess I need to look at a separate app to do something as basic as viewing pics in order :rolleyes:
Well I figured out how to do it. Open folder > select all (cmd-a) > open first pic in Preview > open the Drawer, which shows all the pics in order of name > then arrow key up/down.
realityisterror said:
You only need to select the first, then hold shift and select the last.

It worked for me :confused:

No, still didnt work. Here is the order of the first few pics on the index:

29 (first of that folder), 30, 31, 53, 50, 48, 61, 68, 75....

all pics are labeled the same, img_7929, 7930, 7931, etc. Just seems to jump around randomly.
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