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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
May 5, 2014
Guys, I use many HomeKit devices. Some of them are only Bluetooth connected - Elgato EVE weather, switch, power receptacle, August lock etc. Some are via wifi bridge as Philips Hue. I have 2 ATV4 and 1 ATV3 in my apartment , all of them are on and with the same iCloud account. Usually I have access remotely to all devices, form my iPhone. And as per Apple current setup - all those devices are communicating to the ATV and from there via iCloud - to my iPhone. But sometimes, and yesterday happened again - I lost connection remotely to the BT enabled devices - but still have remote access to Philips Hue (via ELgato EVE app or building Home in iOS10). I have restarted all ATV, iPhone - did iCloud log out/in.. But no success. When I am home, via BT - I have access to those devices. (Even home if get BT OFF - no connection). I think something happens either with apple iCloud HomeKit service or with eh BT connection to the APT.
Does someone mention the same issue ? And any ideas what could be the solution ?
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