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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Feb 8, 2008
Did you know that in the Apple education store, you can upgrade the lower end Mac Mini to 2GB of RAM and a 320GB HD, matching the specs of the higher end model, yet have a difference of $20? The upgraded lower end model is $729 whereas the high end model is $749.
This difference is nonexistent in the normal online store, eliminating any possible hardware differences.
Mac mini is rip off $599 when it could be the old $499. Is apple just being greedy?
I noticed the same thing...thought it was a little funny.

I just purchased a Scorpio Blue HD and Crucial ram for $160 and I'm hoping to ordering my 2.26 mini tomorrow. :D
Mac mini is rip off $599 when it could be the old $499. Is apple just being greedy?

Think a teardown showed the mini has the lowest margin of all Apple computers and when marketing and R&D is included it is probably a break even price. If you want cheaper you need to ask for a larger version built using desktop components not mobile components.
Think a teardown showed the mini has the lowest margin of all Apple computers and when marketing and R&D is included it is probably a break even price. If you want cheaper you need to ask for a larger version built using desktop components not mobile components.

I remember reading something similar - Apple uses the Mini to get people to switchover to Mac.

As Skil mentioned if you don't like it - buy something else. :p
Just placed my order. I can't wait!!!!

That was terrible. Just awful. You should have waited at least until Snow Leopard. For many reasons.

1)You don't have to pay for SL

2)You get to find out ahead of time how SL performs on all apple computers, and then make your decision as to which one to get - which of the several configurations of mini, is it worth it to get the slightly faster processor etc.

3)Maybe they'd bump the specs on the mini when SL is released

4)Maybe they'd drop the prices on the mini when SL is released

Bottom line, you made a horrible decision. Get on the phone this second and cancel that order!!! Then take a cold shower - that's COLD - and wait until the time is right to purchase.
$10 for SL is so little that I doubt anyone cares. And I seriously doubt that Apple will update the Mini again for a while, based on their previous record.
$10 for SL is so little that I doubt anyone cares. And I seriously doubt that Apple will update the Mini again for a while, based on their previous record.

Well, we don't know if they'll go by their old record. It is also possible they'll dramatically up the specs, and drastically drop the prices - that would be in addition to saving a fortune by not buying Snow Leopard.

Anyhow, don't worry, I'll give you guys the signal when it is the right time to buy. For now, sit tight - and keep taking cold showers every time the urge overtakes you to buy. And that guy should cancel the order immediately!!!
Release date for Snow Leopard is sometime in September, so that's when you'll be able to realize staggering savings. More exact date than September... I'd have to waterboard someone from Apple, and they've been avoiding me even since I spilled hot coffee onto a Genius at the Los Angeles store (accidentally).
Release date for Snow Leopard is sometime in September, so that's when you'll be able to realize staggering savings. More exact date than September... I'd have to waterboard someone from Apple, and they've been avoiding me even since I spilled hot coffee onto a Genius at the Los Angeles store (accidentally).

Is this staggering savings the $29 I have to pay for Snow Leopard? :D
Is this staggering savings the $29 I have to pay for Snow Leopard? :D

Well, that's 5% of the cost of a brand new mini, right there. Don't forget, depending on where you are, you may also be paying taxes on that (8.25% here in CA, and going up to 10% soon in LA, probably by the time you're buying). So add that in. Basically, the costs just keep adding up. It's scary. I'm not even counting the possibility that Apple may drop the price on the mini by then, back to school and so on. By the time you're done with the savings, you could practically take a vacation to an exotic place with the money you've saved by waiting for my signal to buy.
Well, that's 5% of the cost of a brand new mini, right there. Don't forget, depending on where you are, you may also be paying taxes on that (8.25% here in CA, and going up to 10% soon in LA, probably by the time you're buying). So add that in. Basically, the costs just keep adding up. It's scary. I'm not even counting the possibility that Apple may drop the price on the mini by then, back to school and so on. By the time you're done with the savings, you could practically take a vacation to an exotic place with the money you've saved by waiting for my signal to buy.

I got my Mac Mini for $586 on, that's staggering savings!
Well, that's 5% of the cost of a brand new mini, right there.
by the same logic my $5,000 used Impala was 5% of the cost of a $100,000 car. Damn, I should have saved my money!

Don't forget, depending on where you are, you may also be paying taxes on that (8.25% here in CA, and going up to 10% soon in LA, probably by the time you're buying). So add that in. Basically, the costs just keep adding up. It's scary. I'm not even counting the possibility that Apple may drop the price on the mini by then, back to school and so on. By the time you're done with the savings, you could practically take a vacation to an exotic place with the money you've saved by waiting for my signal to buy.

assuming 10% tax, you pay $31.90 for SL.... How is that expensive?
by the same logic my $5,000 used Impala was 5% of the cost of a $100,000 car. Damn, I should have saved my money!

assuming 10% tax, you pay $31.90 for SL.... How is that expensive?

That's because you kids don't know the value of a dollar. Kids these days...

When I was a kid, back in the day, I worked a full two weeks for $2, cleaning around the house and so on - and then, when my mom gave me the $2 I put it in my piggy bank... by the next morning, my dad had already taken the money and drank it up. I lost it all, the entire 2 weeks worth. I really learned the value of money, unlike you kids these days.

Anyhow, that's just the start - what if they drop the price on the mini? Learn the value of a dollar!!!
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