We have just released a new app to help organizing your finances. We proudly present:

BudgetCare Pro: Best way to organize personal finances. Income, Expenses, Cashflow.
BudgetCare Pro is elegant, stylish, and easy to use application for tracking your income and expenses. BudgetCare Pro has excellent and intuitive user interface designed for common people or small business to track their cashflow.
BudgetCare Pro supports iPhone 5 and iOS 6.
- Track both income and expenses
- Dashboard with summary on total spent, earned and current balance
- Set budgeting period: a week, 2 weeks, month, and year
- Schedule future expenses with notification
- Browse daily / weekly / monthly / yearly lists of expenses
- View reports in in diagrams or pie charts
- Manage recurring and scheduled transactions

- Freestyle text search
- Interactive cashflow graph with detailed info
- Export to CSV, Google Docs and Quicken!
- Backup and restore via Wi-Fi
- Password protection
- Complete list of world currencies
- Choose application start screen
- Set starting month date & week day

- Password protection
- Complete list of world currencies
- Choose application start screen
- Set starting month date & week day
- Switch between amount and % in pie charts
- Notification on start if scheduled transaction is executed
...and a lot more!
Keep your budget safe with BudgetCare Pro!

Get BudgetCare Pro now!

BudgetCare Pro: Best way to organize personal finances. Income, Expenses, Cashflow.
BudgetCare Pro is elegant, stylish, and easy to use application for tracking your income and expenses. BudgetCare Pro has excellent and intuitive user interface designed for common people or small business to track their cashflow.
BudgetCare Pro supports iPhone 5 and iOS 6.
- Track both income and expenses
- Dashboard with summary on total spent, earned and current balance
- Set budgeting period: a week, 2 weeks, month, and year
- Schedule future expenses with notification
- Browse daily / weekly / monthly / yearly lists of expenses
- View reports in in diagrams or pie charts
- Manage recurring and scheduled transactions

- Freestyle text search
- Interactive cashflow graph with detailed info
- Export to CSV, Google Docs and Quicken!
- Backup and restore via Wi-Fi
- Password protection
- Complete list of world currencies
- Choose application start screen
- Set starting month date & week day

- Password protection
- Complete list of world currencies
- Choose application start screen
- Set starting month date & week day
- Switch between amount and % in pie charts
- Notification on start if scheduled transaction is executed
...and a lot more!
Keep your budget safe with BudgetCare Pro!

Get BudgetCare Pro now!