Hi, I could ask this on the Buffalo forums but I thought I might get a better class of answer from Mac users rather than unhelpful comments from Windows users.
I have a Linkstation Duo connectec to my Mac Pro 2009 and even just showing the contents of a folder in Finder takes a couple on minutes. I have one folder that contains 2300 mp3 files and I have given up waiting to see the contents of that.
I can't remember it being this bad before. It's a backup drive so I have only ever written to it before and not really read anything back.
I don't know it Lion is a problem with it or not. I have updated to firmware to the latest and it's made no difference.
Any ideas or experiences with this drive?
I have a Linkstation Duo connectec to my Mac Pro 2009 and even just showing the contents of a folder in Finder takes a couple on minutes. I have one folder that contains 2300 mp3 files and I have given up waiting to see the contents of that.
I can't remember it being this bad before. It's a backup drive so I have only ever written to it before and not really read anything back.
I don't know it Lion is a problem with it or not. I have updated to firmware to the latest and it's made no difference.
Any ideas or experiences with this drive?