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macrumors demi-god
Original poster
Apr 15, 2011
Melbourne, Australia
Hi guys.

My iMac 2020 27" is slowly becoming unusable.

I have frequent software bugs, graphical glitches, and app crashes. This seems to be getting worse with every subsequent software update.
Every time I attempt to screenshot a software bug, opening the screenshot app resets it and appears normal.

So today, I decided to take a photo of the screen with my iPhone instead.

Behold, Apples newest and greatest Mac software version, on the beautiful 5k display:

Screenshot 2023-11-26 at 17.00.25.png

Glitched out the dock, menu bar, half of safari, half app view... triggered by Cmd+Tab.

So.. I reported these bugs 4 months ago to Apple. 3 different reports. None have even been read :)


Sep 20, 2013
This looks like hardware issue. I’d take it to authorized repair center and have them diagnose the issue.
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