I do use quite a lot of these apps simultaneously, in my work environment we co-work on documents stored on OneDrive and Dropbox, and I use Skype frequently to communicate at work. So while I could be more attentive to closing down apps, I've had this work flow with several apps going for many years now, and I've never experienced the issues I'm having right now.
I have a ridiculously long list of failed system launch daemons etc. I ran a new etre check today and it looks like this. I can't delete them, so how do I address this issue?
System Launch Agents: ⓘ
[failed] com.apple.AssetCacheLocatorService.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.CallHistoryPluginHelper.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.CoreLocationAgent.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-04-09)
[failed] com.apple.CryptoTokenKit.ahp.agent.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.LocalAuthentication.UIAgent.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.Maps.pushdaemon.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.ReportCrash.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.Safari.SafeBrowsing.Service.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.SafariBookmarksSyncAgent.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.SafariCloudHistoryPushAgent.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.SafeEjectGPUAgent.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.UsageTrackingAgent.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.akd.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.ap.adprivacyd.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.apfsuseragent.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.appstoreagent.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.atsd.useragent.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.audio.AudioComponentRegistrar.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.cache_delete.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.cloudphotosd.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-04-09)
[failed] com.apple.cmfsyncagent.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.colorsync.useragent.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.coreparsec.silhouette.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.ctkd.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.dmd.agent.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.followupd.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.icloud.findmydeviced.findmydevice-user-agent.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.icloud.fmfd.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.keyboardservicesd.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.nsurlstoraged.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.parsecd.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.photoanalysisd.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.photolibraryd.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.printtool.agent.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.printuitool.agent.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.progressd.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.quicklook.ThumbnailsAgent.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.quicklook.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-04-09)
[failed] com.apple.reversetemplated.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.scopedbookmarkagent.xpc.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.secinitd.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.siriknowledged.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.softwareupdate_notify_agent.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.spindump_agent.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.talagent.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.telephonyutilities.callservicesd.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.videosubscriptionsd.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.xpc.loginitemregisterd.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[not loaded] 8 Apple tasks
[loaded] 160 Apple tasks
[running] 85 Apple tasks
System Launch Daemons: ⓘ
[failed] com.apple.AssetCache.builtin.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.AssetCacheLocatorService.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.CryptoTokenKit.ahp.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.DataDetectorsSourceAccess.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.GSSCred.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.InstallerDiagnostics.installerdiagd.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.MobileFileIntegrity.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.ReportCrash.Root.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.akd.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.applessdstatistics.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.aslmanager.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.audio.AudioComponentRegistrar.daemon.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.audio.systemsoundserverd.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.bootinstalld.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.captiveagent.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.colorsync.displayservices.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.colorsyncd.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.ctkd.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.dmd.daemon.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.dprivacyd.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.findmymac.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.icloud.findmydeviced.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.ifdreader.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.installd.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.mobileactivationd.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.mobileassetd.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.nfcd.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.nsurlstoraged.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.periodic-daily.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.periodic-weekly.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.rtcreportingd.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.secinitd.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.seld.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.softwareupdate_download_service.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.sysdiagnose.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.system_installd.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.usbd.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[failed] com.apple.xpc.smd.plist (Apple, Inc. - installed 2019-03-21)
[not loaded] 35 Apple tasks
[loaded] 169 Apple tasks
[running] 91 Apple tasks